An open letter from one who wouldn't like to see presidential brains on a pavement

So be it, Michael, I should simply have cited the original BBC report and left it at that.

You said essentially what I thought yesterday, but didn’t want to get involved. The focus and slurs on physical shortcomings in the OP says an awful lot about their character. There were plenty of legitimate reasons to flame Bush; the tone of the OP comes out more like the old “Oh yeah? You’re FAT!” retort used by losers the World 'round.

George’s physical shortcomings? He works out, and runs often and appears quite trim. Unlike Clinton who constantly had to fight the battle of the bulge, Bush seems to be pretty fit. While, he does appear somewhat monkey-like, especially when he scrunches his face up when asked a tough question- he still is a better looking guy then Nixon or Ford. So I call no fair.

Now his mental and moral shortcomings are another story. . .


WRT assassination and genocide …

Unethical behaviour on someone else’s part in no way relieves me of my obligations to act ethically, even towards them.


Just because Saddam Hussein is a Very Bad Man who does Very Bad Things, that does not mean we, the Good Guys, are allowed to do Very Bad Things back to him. We are the Good Guys, and Good Guys do not do Very Bad Things, no matter what.

Just MHO.

Ford was actually rather handsome in his younger days. A model in department store ads, IIRC. Or a department store mannequin–I may have recalled incorrectly.

OTOH, I think some of us are concentrating on Meat’s personal insults while ignoring his real points, which are quite valid. It shows why it is less distracting if one maintains an air of objectivity when writing a rant.

Here here.

Of course I would be willing to debate the moral differences (in level of evilness) of assassination versus a missile attack or bomb run aimed at accomplishing the same thing. Even though I feel it wrong I would personally prefer a single bullet being fired in a surgical manner to remove an enemy than a spray of them followed by MOABs, cruise missles, and Napalm and all the collateral damage those ensue.

but that’s an opinion on an entirely different subject.

I stand by my characterisation of the Bush physiognomy, as this picture taken this morning, attests.

Oh dear. Niiiiiiice 'toon! Remind me never to piss off a British political cartoonist!

Yeah, I dunno how I feel intelectually about the simian comments (on a baser lavel I’m laughing my ass off though) in the OP, but the assessment of Dubyah’s administration gets my puny little seal of approval.

By the way, Doc, at this point in the thread we have a nice little microcosm of USA personalities. You’ll notice how plenty of people would rather attack YOU for speaking up than perform any level of introspection and say, “Yeah, he’s right. Think I’ll try & remember that come election day next November.” 'Merkins in general don’t like to be told they are responsible for something bad because, as you suggested, we’re not bad folks as individuals. Unfortuantely, (too) many of us can’t get beyond the rage that results from the illumination of our imperfections, and we slay the messenger and then rally against his point…which in this case will get the little bonobo re-elected.

Did I say bonobo? Sorry, that was Clinton. I meant Chimp.

I mock his physical appearance because he looks like a monkey.

There’s a sig line if ever I read one.

There’s some bad coding if ever I wrote some.

Yes, and Reagan modeled for shirt ads as a handsome young man, too.

The royal family is descended from Edward Gibbon? Did I miss something?

Alistair Campbell’s bollocks…

But we are.

Most Bad Guys think they’re wearing white hats, too.

A little off-topic, but last summer I saw some people campaigning for Larouche for President on the sidewalk in a small town.

Nothing unusual about that…except that this small town was in CANADA!


[Homer Simpson]So I’m a bad father? Well, YOU’VE got a gambling problem! Woo Hoo![/Homer Simpson]

He still looked pretty good up to his re-election. Nancy on the other hand. . .


I agree except I liked…

“I rail against his policy because it violates at least five of these rights. I mock his physical appearance because he looks like a monkey.”

Hehe, great rant.

I mock his physical appearance because he looks like a monkey.

And probably teaching your children to mock others based on appearance. Nice policy ya got there. I won’t keep you, I’m sure you’re too busy planning to win your next beauty pageant.

Well, don’t you guys need a President? I mean, I Googled and it looks like you don’t even HAVE one! Did he die or something? :smiley:

Anyway, I worked for eleven years for the MA Sec of State and, every election cycle, we had to work with the LaRouchites. One of the years he was in prison the party was called The New Democrats or something. Weirdness.

Didn’t he do movies or TV, too? I seem to recall him hosting Death Valley Days.

I was admiring some naked photos of his girl, Patty, the other day. Next we need to get Gore’s girls to strip. I can live without Dubya’s Demon Twins taking their clothes off, though I wouldn’t be surprised if they did.