ask the magic 8 ball

Chicken, Fish, or Beef?

Is my left shoe in this house?

(can’t find the damn thing)

What about Jebus? Have you found Jebus?

Is it po-TAY-to or po-TAH-to?

Is this thing broken?

If a tree falls in the wood, who is to blame?


Will things work out, or does God hate me?

myrnalene, sorry, I missed yours. to answer your question, I have no idea whats wrong wityh the counter thingy. Its my second day here, I’m kinda stupid.

Jack batty: I’m a bit confused here.are you askingme:
If I was a ghost that didn’t know who I was, what would probably
make me remember who I was?
I’m not even finished highschool yet. be easy on me.

Squink, you know, as soon as I saw the word “Mathimatical” you lost me.

Brujo, beef. just cook it enough so you don’t get food poisoning
Clayton, yes, its in the bedroom.

Indigo: No, hes not, hes on vacation.

poodle, if you’re from texas or any of them cowboy staqtes, its potahto. otherwise Its potato.

Mangetout, no, Its jiust having a bad day.

egg, if a tree falls in the woods, Its prolly from one of may things, such as… lightning… rotten roots…paul bunyion… theres lots of probabilities.

Spooje…they’l work out in the end. and gods just in a pissy mood.

Mr. 8 Ball

WHo will be the next President of the U.S?


He’s right.

Noodles or Rice?

Hot shit!
I meant all that? I’m smarter than I thought I was.

Should I stay here or go out tonight?


Which is better: Canada or Guns n Roses’ Use Your Illusion II?


What have I got in my pocket?

Will my birthday wish come true ?

Is the Wild Cat Cafe still there?
Ever climb the Rock?

note: these are where he lives…

Vanilla: Its MISS 8 ball, thankyouverymuch, and I’m thinking that yu guys might have a woman as president, next time. ya never know.

Brujo, noodles MIGHT taste better, but rice is healthier. go with the rice

jack batty, yes, you ARE smarter then you think. took you long enough to figure it out.

Flamsterette_X… go out. have fun. go to a kareoke bar.
lendervedder… being a canadian… as much as I like the band, I have to go with canada.

Horseflesh: I’m guessing some lint, maybe a gum wrapper…

goo, no, you told someone. or will tell someone. but happy birthday all the same.

vanilla, yes, the wild cat cafe is still there, my freind melanie works there, and by rock do you ,measn pilots monument? my mom got married the first time there.
by saying rock you must be more specific. yellowknife is pretty much all rock. so chances are, i’ve climbed it.