Should Barbarella stick with the current relationship?
I dig him, he digs me, but for now it has to be a long-distance thing. We still get to see each other from time to time, and we talk online or on the phone every day.
“Reboot,” says the 8 ball…wait…this isn’t an 8 ball…it’s one of those CDW “solutions wizards” (more like a Magic 3-ball or a red snooker ball, depending on region) that came as junk in the mail, along with a squishy foam remote control…sorry.
In the name of fighting ignorance, I shall reveal the nature of the “blue stuff”.
It is the blood of homonculous triapplismorphious. These creatures are commonly known as Smurfs. The casing of the ball is ordinary plastic, as is the viewing window. The various responses are printed in relief on the faces of a hollow icosahedron(a solid having 20 equal sides). The 8 Balls power to foresee probability is solely the result of Smurf blood.
An online 8-ball is worthless. It is the equivalent of a pill capsule from which the medicine has been removed.
My own preferred mode of augury is to tune my television to a dead channel and view the static. But, to each his own.
I used to have two… one was the the therapist one and the other was the regular one. I would get them into conversations, it was amusing.
sorry, threw them both out.