Ask the straight guy...

Man, what a disappointing thread. Here I am, expecting to find the straight version of Esprix explaining all the mysteries of being a straight guy to the women and gay men of the SDMB. Why we don’t cry at movies. Why ‘asshole’ is the closest thing to a compliment our other straight male friends will ever receive. Why we think farting is a punch line.

Instead I find this lame excuse for a thread. Any other straight guy who wants to chime in about how gross it would be to have sex with a transgendered person should instead to back to farting.

(Eve, I’m really more lurker than poster here, but you have always been one of my very favorite posters, as long as I’ve been here. Judging only by your words, you are the hottest thing on wheels.)

Since everyone else is too busy arguing, Kitarak, the term you’re looking for is “transgendered person” or “trans person” for short. As I understand it this includes both transexuals (pre-op and post-) and hermaphrodites).

The terms “transgendered man” or “transgendered woman” are also used - but be sure to use the word for the gender the person wants to be, not what they look like or what they were born!

Eve-you are so NOT an unlovable freak! You are one of the coolest posters on the SDMB-thanks to you, I was able to find Corbis and Hulton Getty and lots of stock photo archives on line (if you know of any others-please spill!).

Eve-you ARE way more of a lady than many who were born female. Period.

I don’t have a problem with guys who have tits, as long as they’re from excessive consumption of twinkies, soda and french fries.
So do trannies feel like they’re truly feminine with Mr. Ed swinging between their legs? I’d figure someone would be a transgendered or endeavor to go down that path because they’d want to emulate the gender they aspire to be and eventually alter themselves to be male or female. It’s time to put up or shut up, either be a really femme guy or take that month long trip to Denmark to get the old hydraulics put into a pickle jar. It just reeks of a cry for attention.

Much like my trolls. Thank you for biting.

You are aware that trolling is a bannable offense at this board, yes?

  • Tamerlane

I agree. [OT]And for some reason, every time I think of Eve, I always picture a tiara on her head. Does anyone know why this is? Was there some thread that stuck this image in my head? The image I always have is of the dowager queen in the animated film, Anastasia.[/OT]

Well it’s obviously going to take a straight man (no make that straight men) to straighten this all out. So let’s hitch up our britches in a manly fashion and get started -

Straight man opinion(s) -

Q: Dating or funsex with she males, transexuals, transgenic gendermorphs or hermaphroids?

A: What I don’t know won’t hurt me but if you begin sharing surgery details or I can feel the stubble when I kiss you we’re going to have to go dutch. The aforesaid loutish caveats are thrown to the winds if said gender transmogrified person can cook and keep house really well and have a sumptuous dinner on the stove and a fresh gin and tonic with a twist of lime at the ready for a tired hubby on Friday evening.
Q: Are all straight men really pigdogs?

A: Well yes, of course, but the ratio of pig to dog does vary from man to man, and occasionally dogs are quite brave and loyal and pigs can be remarkably intelligent beasts within the scope of their limitations.
Q: What do straight men really want?

A: Well food and sex of course with shelter coming in a huffing and puffing third. In a more macro “What is best in life” sense, beyond making sure you can put your kids through college and being a responsible provider to your family, it would have to be crushing your enemies, seeing them driven before you, and hearing the lamentations of their women.

One of the hottest, and I mean hottest, ladies I’ve ever met was a MTF. i had no idea, and when i was told, it in no way changed my opinion of her or her raw animal magnetism. Rrrooowwrr!

The problem with threads like this being started by people who just see an “ask the…” thread which has been posted elsewhere and think it would be a good idea to start another one - whether or not doing so would in any way fight ignorance is that they become focal points which end up dividing this messageboard.

Eve, I can’t believe that you think you’re ugly and dumpy - I’d “do” you in a heartbeat given the opportunity.

Might as well start a thread on this board called “ask the white anglo saxon protestant male” as start one called “ask the straight male” - the default in Western societies is white, straight people, so unless you’re going to qualify an “ask the” thread in some kind of specific way (and it HAS been done on these boards before) along the lines of “'kay guys, ask us mothers/women/lesbians what we REALLY think about childbirth/pap smears/blow jobs/etc” it probably isn’t going to fly in this place.

On the other hand, quite often in this place a lousy OP can end up being hijacked into a great discussion - this seems like one of those threads which has such potential.

Sincerest form of flattery my ass!


Way too much nastiness for an IMHO thread.
