Change your SDMB location to some variant of "I'm not voting for Obama"

Write-in vote for C. Estes Kefauver! :wink:

Is there room in this thread for another?

I agree. It’s already gotten really old.

One gets the impression we’ve done this before…

You say that like it’s a bad thing. :slight_smile:

I like it. It’s fun. And it makes me smile whenever I see an election-related location field, whether the poster is Insane for the McCain or an Obama Mama.

Does mine count even if insincere?

Thanks for the compliment. I changed it when I saw the Obama thread and couldn’t find the right time to post it.

SSG Schwartz

While I wouldn’t call Mr. Obama the devil incarnate, your First Amendment rights apply.

Geez, whatever happened to the sanctity of the Secret Ballot? I don’t mean here on the Board, but I can’t begin to count the number of times some of my fellow Americans have practically demanded to know who I’m voting for.

There, or, since my “real” location is Alaska, perhaps I should have changed it to “when hell freezes over?”


If only they’d give us someone decent…sigh, but as usual, I’m stuck voting for Mr. Sucky to prevent Mr. Evil from getting into office.

Only if you add the ‘c’ back in. :wink:
This is what it read before the change: Location: Obama - the seond coming

Well, I’m consistent, at least. I don’t put political bumper stickers on my car, either.

Mind if I join you fine folks?

I started the other thread, but I’m glad to see this one. Represent!

Okay, but McCain doesn’t exactly blow my bloomers up. I’m seriously thinking about skipping the Presidential vote this year.

I will also try out my new sig!!

You must be a neighbor of mine.

(I’m changing it back to my previous incarnation, so for clarity, my location previously said Undecided City. I tried to loosen up but I just can’t do it.)

I like the way you think.

Big fan of Obama here. Whenever Hillary would do something sufficiently underhanded or cheap to compete with him, I’d send Obama another $100. Note that I have set the bar high enough that nowhere near 23 such things transpired, and am still allowed to donate more to him.

Now that she’s out of the race, I might have to start sending him $5 for every Doper who jumps onto the McCain bandwagon (such as it is).

Freedom of speech is a wonderful thing!

Dorkness is at the Right Hand of Cool. I think that says it all.
