'Cleverboy', step inside please.

You are not being attacked because your link was unfunny. You are being attacked because your link is offensive. By now, many, many people have said that it is offensive to them. You may not think it’s offensive, although I find it difficult to understand how you could come to such a conclusion. But enough people do find it offensive that it’s no skin off your nose to leave it be and make an apology to all of those you unwittingly offended. Understand?

Just… FYI:

The link is offensive, tasteless, and tacky. I’m actually more irritated at being told to lighten up! and to get off my cross! and to stop trying to change the world! Than anything else. But it’s not as if Cleverman is ever going to catch a clue, so my time is probably wasted.

Cleverman, I predict your stay will be short and I will be happy to see you gone seeing how you insulted a bunch of people who were trying to help you.

>> I do not apologize for my sense of humor.

You are a total idiot. You should apologize for your appalling manners too.

You do need to learn manners. Part of being mannered is not hurting or offending people with no justification. Can you see how posting your link could both hurt and offend people?

What NoClueBoy posted is not something I would have posted, but it was not out of the blue and it was also not meant in all seriousness (I assume). If you’ve taken the time to lurk, you’ll notice there’s a lot of hyperbole that goes on in the pit.

You’re just digging a hole for yourself here. Go away, think about it, come back later when you understand what we’re trying to say.

No need, they’re not assholes.

Look, you came in here and posted a GQ thread and insulted those who came to help you. Maybe you never read the user agreement, and maybe you never lurked. Okay, a mistake, but a simple one.

Then you posted in Cafe Society about Star Trek nemesis and complained when no one responded in 90 minutes.

Now you’re being told “hey. Asshole. Lighten up, okay?”

…and you’re an asshole about it. I hate to say it, but it looks like you just don’t fit in here. I hope I’m wrong.

And in addition to your link being offensive, the the majority of the remainder of your posts have shown an incredible level of jerkiness for this board. Your GQ thread was a showpiece of inappropriate behavior.

Nice try. Next time, could you add a little more spit and venom? And make it fly a little farther too. Last time, it barely reached my shoes.

(The meltdown continues in the GQ thread, BTW. Insulting the mods is really a bad move.)

I truly did not think it my link was offensive. I thought it was funny. I guess you have to run in the circles I do to understand. But I have re-read everyone’s comments, and have taken them to heart. You’re right - I came across as a jerk. I have a problem with people getting in my face when I don’t think I was wrong. But, I can see that I have been offensive.

I apologize to all those who I unwittingly offended.

I apologize for telling you to lighten up. I apologize for telling you to get off your cross. I apologize for telling you to stop trying to change the world.

I apologize for my appalling manners.

I apologized in those threads, but I will do it again: I apologize for my jerky posts.

I know no one will believe this, but Banhattan was a typo. I apologize if Manhattan thinks I was deliberately being insulting.

Yes, actually, I think you’re right. I apologize for not fitting in. I will leave.

I truly am sorry. Goodbye.

[b[Cleverman**, you don’t have to leave! You seem to be getting it now :slight_smile:

We all made some adjustments when starting to hang out here because it isn’t like most other internet communities. Lurk a bit, use judgement when you post and I’m sure you’ll be fine here.

Yeah, LaurAnge, my imagery is obviously hyperbole, maggots cannot type. :smiley:

Don’t leave. Learn from your experience. Learn from fellow Dopers.

All kidding aside, I accept your apology.

I’m sure the others will post likewise, verdad?


Oh. My. God. Forget the MPSIMS thread - his GQ thread is priceless.

This guy is such an asshole that he goes beyond not funny and back to funny. Seriously, I laughed my ass off reading that thread.

Sorry, I love manhattan, it just wouldn’t be GQ without him, but this is fucking hilarious. Over the top blatant assholishness. Reminds me of Steve Polychronopolis (or some of my friends in real life for that matter…)
Cleverman - if you care in the least bit about posting here (which I suspect you don’t) then you’re gonna have to make a drastic change in your posting style. Otherwise, let it rip, because it won’t last long and we can only hold our breath and laugh :D.

Assuming that last post was heartfelt ( and I believe it was ), now you’re getting it, Cleverman, good job!

Welcome to the SDMB!

Goddamnit, I waited too long to post that. He left :frowning:

He also apologized and explained, which would have made your post moot anyway.

[Col. Jessup]Don’t I feel like the fucking asshole.[/Col. Jessup]

Cleverman, I hope you stick around, but I’ll understand if you don’t. Hopefully during your visit here you have managed to learn something and grow somewhat.

Happy Holidays!

Is it really unwitting, though, Clever? FYI: Racist jokes aren’t funny except to the bigots who create and spread them.

Well…I guess **Cleverboy ** is filled with the milk of human kindness at this time of the year…:putz:

he’s a :wally…damn hate those inadvertant smilies

Now come on Monty and Odieman - he has apologized and left. What’s the point of continuing to poke him?

My impression, Monty, is that he really did not mean to offend anyone. We’ve all told the wrong joke at the wrong moment (oh, how I shudder to recall some of my own faux pas), and I don’t think that was the problem. The problem was how he completely flew off the handle when people told him they found it offensive (or how he reacted so viciously to every other real or perceived slight in his so far brief stay here).

Personally, I found the link offensive as well, but that wasn’t the main crime in my eyes: the problem with the link was that it just wasn’t funny. I’ll laugh like hell at offensive humor (South Park springs to mind), but only if it’s actually funny. Come on, a stupid song about working at Burger King? Please. No harm done in posting it, I thought, but an apology to those whom he had unwittingly offended would have served much better than the psychotic fury that came back.

(Yeah, I know, it’s over and he’s gone; just my two cents. I always show up just after the show’s over.)