'Cleverboy', step inside please.

Cleverboy, I hope you’re still reading, and I hope you come back (if you do it discreetly, just start answering a few threads here and there, nobody’ll give you any shit). It may be beating a dead horse here, but I just wanted to say:

Would you send that link to the parent or sibling of a disabled person?


20,000 registered posters here; God only knows how many lurkers. You just did. Understand the fallout?

Hope to see you around somewhere.

I think he may just be one of those people that has trouble accepting any criticism, constructive or not, real or perceived. I’m sure if he sticks around, he’ll start to come around and be a productive (well, as productive as any of us are) member of the board.

Gee, I’m un-PC, yet your video annoyed/offended me in it’s stupidty. Also, don’t use broad sweeping generalizations. Many of the posters inthe originial topic said they weren’t very PC .

Also, I cannot believe your sister(who is a special education teacher) would send you that video.

Apparently his special ed. teacher sister didn’t mind sending him that.

Cleverboy, you’re not the first newbie to get off to a bad start and learn from your mistakes. One of the things I really like about this place is that as harsh as we can be sometimes, Dopers are usually great about accepting apologies. People who can admit it when they’re wrong are much-admired around here. Stick around! You’re looking like SDMB material after all, just keep the temper under control from now on.

…Um, yes, I realize his name is actually Cleverman. Wasn’t trying to snark, I was just thinking of the thread title. Sorry about that.

Slight nitpick, it was Siemsi, not Cleverman, that has the special ed sister:

Carry on.

Cleverman don’t go! If you turn into a veteran respected poster, everyone will look back at those posts and have a good smile. You know, kinda like all those guys George W. used to snort coke with in college. Now he’s the prez! Ahh, they must look back upon those skylarkings and tomfoolery…

But seriously, if you are still reading this post (which undoubtedly you are, because everyone wants to know what other people are saying about them) then I implore you: DONT BE THE KID WHO TAKES HIS TOYS AND GOES HOME AT THE FIRST LITTLE ARGUMENT. I knew a kid like that. No one liked him. He was kind of a social outcast, a black sheep if you will. Eventually he became despised by everyone. And that little boy grew up to be…Trent Lott.

And now you know the rest of the story.


I’d agree with the ‘don’t go, Cleverman’ thing. It wasn’t my intention for you to be run off.

I wasn’t even really attacking because the link was offensive. I was attacking because, well, what he posted in MPSIMS was nasty and nobody needs to attack me for simply stating that something IS offensive.

But yeah, everybody makes mistakes, and this place is great about forgiving. Hope you decide to come back and stay.

A fie fy mo anhattan. manhattan. :wink:

I’m taking the kid at his word and reading it as a typo. We shall see.

It’s not like he spelled it manhatten! Grrr on that. Grrr in a bad, bad way.

Yeah, don’t go Cleverman. See, you apologized, we accepted, everyone’s kosher.

I’m fine with him leaving actually. I know nobody asked my opinion, and people deserve a second chance and everything, but we should stop trying to get him back. If he wants to leave, let him.

Honestly, it would have been better never to have seen his “funny video”. I don’t appreciate at all having been exposed to such offensive crap.

I won’t despise him if he comes back, but, if he wants to stay away, so be it.

I am also a teacher and I can tell you that she wouldn’t want her supervisors to know that she found that funny.

Since this is actually Cleverman’s third or fourth name on the Straight Dope, I don’t think that I’m gonna GIVE him another chance. And I’m gonna close this thread.

For the Straight Dope