Dope the Halls IV - MADs take note

Hooray! Come even if he doesn’t want to join you. We’ll pick you up from the Marc.

Trunk, we are in Dundalk.

Put us firmly in the “probably” category! Don’t know about bringing the kids, though; if we bring kids, it’ll be the 13-year-old and the almost-five-year-old. Will there be other young kids there? Should I start looking for a sitter?

They’re welcome. Matthew will be here, and I am guessing that Hama will bring the Tarklings.

If we can come, we will not be bringing Aaron.


Hey! I can make this one too! Give me a shout with directions and whatever I should bring!

OK, I wasn’t sure whether to look for a babysitter or not, but this afternoon, one practically fell into my lap (figuratively speaking, of course), so it looks like it’ll be me and hubby. So, what is this? Potluck? Should I bring something?


Not going to be able to make it, after all.


Drat. tdc and I are still working weekends, so the move to the afternoon puts us in the “likely not” category.

On the other hand, while I’m milling about here, I did want to tell y’all I missed the baby announcement thread and am just thrilled to pieces to know the kid’s arrived and both he and Ginger are doing well. You’ve been in my thoughts! :slight_smile:

We won’t begin 'til around 2:00, we’ll still have people here when you’re done work. We’ve always started in the afternoon, but this year we’ll be kicking people out before midnight. That’s about the only difference.

So, arriving at 6:30-7:00ish wouldn’t be horribly uncouth?

Nope, that’s fine!

Due to a family obligation that I just plain forgot about, I’m gonna have to take a pass on this one.

I’m a “maybe.” There’s another holiday party I want to go to the same day, and I haven’t decided which one to do yet. (Though I am leaning in a Baltimorey direction.)

You wanna knock off all that leaning; you’ll get a crick in your back!

I’m afraid I can’t make this one. Airman has to work, and I’ve got three final exams the following Monday. Sorry.


Anyone? Bueller?

I have to admit, I’m rather disappointed in the lack of response to the thread. Who’s in for sure? I’d like to know before I knock myself out with the cooking and whatnot.

I’m in for sure.

Me and the hubby are in for sure. Do you need us to bring anything?

For now, I’m definitely in, and I’m probably bringing the wife (who has no idea what a “newsgroup” is).

I’m glad to bring food and/or booze.

I’m in, but only from about 2 til 4 or so. You’ll have to shoot me off some directions though, I don’t want to get lost in scary Baltimore.