Dope The Halls VI (Mid-Atlantic Dopers!)

Hey there, MADs (and anyone else who’d like to come)! It’s that time of year again where Weirddave and I throw our holiday party. We put on a turkey and trimmings dinner and allow strangers* into our home in the spirit of the holidays. Well, most of who attends isn’t actually a stranger, but there are certainly times when I wish they were. :stuck_out_tongue:

December 9, from 2:00 or until we kick out danceswithcats.

We have a full liquor cabinet which we don’t touch but when you all come around. We ask that everyone brings something to share. Beer, dessert, the head of John The Baptist, paper plates, gravy and a horn section, etc.

Please email me at gingerofthenorth at for the address and directions or if you have any questions. I typically send out one email to everyone close to the date of the party. We moved early this summer, so the directions you have from last year are no good any longer.

See you all then!

*I’ve decided to get the hell over it.

Hey - that’s our 23rd anniversary!! You can’t fool me - this is a cover for a surprise anniversary party, isn’t it?? :smiley:

Of Course It Is.

Dang. With the new job (and a 72-mile, round trip, commute), I’m spending a couple of hours a day in the car, so I consider any weekend where I don’t drive anywhere a good weekend. Both the weekend of the 16th and the weekend of the 23rd will involve must-attend parties at least an hour away from where I live.

OTOH, if it’s FCM’s anniversary …

You might actually get to see her, this year!

Gotta talk to my other half - he’s out of town till Friday.

If someone doesn’t have a horn section, how about a woodwind, string or percussion section? :slight_smile:

Gingy, I love ya and all, but I won’t be driving up that way until later on that month (probably just before Christmas). The new SIGO will be with me, so I’m going to ask you to bottle up a little bit of that party, and save it in the fridge until we pass through.

I’ll definitely bring beer though.

Speaking of beer, do you guys have Kokanee up in D.C.?

Hey - I could bring my accordion!!! :D:D:D:D:D

Of course I will. And we can have Canadians here, too.

Fuck no.

To where did you move? I must have missed that thread. (If, of course, you posted a thread about it.)

As far as I know at the moment, I can make it, but that could easily change between now and then.

Parkville, also a suburb of Baltimore -now with 100% fewer crack-whores next door.

You neglected to mention that you live less than a quarter of a mile from where I grew up…

Right down the street from your alma mater.

Candianguy and I are currently standing in the kitchen, deciding whether or not we can get the friday and monday off and come to your party! Of course, when you tell children: don’t talk to strangers, never mind driving 8 hours to go to a party where you’re not going to know anyone but they’re all Dopers so, really, it’s going to be fun!

Ginger: will email you for hotels, etc should we decide to make the trip! We need to get out and I’ve alway wanted to go the Maryland (you have crabs there, right?)

Don’t be ridiculous. We have two sofa beds and a kid to kick out of his double bed. And you can bring me some Tim’s!

Yep, there are crabs here. I’m not going to say I have crabs.

I’ll be there. It’s always a fun party at the House of Ginger!

Wait, that doesn’t sound quite right.

Ah, you know what I meant.

I want to be there, but it looks like my moving date is pushed back a couple of months thanks to someone from immigration giving me the wrong info a month ago.

I’ll be thinking of you guys while I fill out more forms.

Aye, but you didn’t say that you don’t have crabs, either. :wink:

Oh, man, Parkville? Even *I * know where that is! I’d really like to come! May I bring my boyfriend? If so, please let us know what to bring. I can’t cook, but I can buy stuff. Maybe champagne and cake and stuff. How does that sound? Do you all like champagne? It’s great anytime, but for the holidays it’s a gas!!