Everyone should know what an asshole Budget Player Cadet is

Sure, which it why it’d be nice to hear from him and not just other posters telling us what exactly he meant.

However, gven the fact he’d been warned and suspended before for acting like a jerk and personal insults leads me to think he wasn’t doing satire.

It was a dumb joke. The proof of that is that it was the seed for what is a dumb pitting.

Lighten the fuck up.

I have no idea what you think you are saying.

I have no real urge to get rid of BPC, but whether or not he is Pitted would not affect my decision.
There was already an ATMB thread on this topic, so banning him for a non-Warning would hardly be a simpler task.

Where I come down is that “funny” isn’t the opposite of “assholish.” Many things, like red polo shirts, are neither funny nor assholish; other things, like some racist jokes, are both funny and assholish. It’s more important to not be an asshole than it is to be funny, so if you gotta choose, go with the unfunny unasshole approach. (Of course, everyone with a baseline level of competence at being human can be funny without being an asshole, so there’s always that alternative).

So I’m guessing it’s the older posters who don’t get that it was a joke, right?

Remember when your parents got angry at Lenny Bruce for being a potty mouth? This is like the same thing. Edgy satire of racism is okay now. Watch Tosh.0 or really any modern comedian.

Do you think Colbert is really racist against Chinese people?

So now we should use #BanBudgetPlayerCadet in addition to #CancelColbert on our tweets?

It will act as a sign to tell that the *tweeter *has an over-ripe testicle in place of a brain.

FYI, not that it matters, my post was made before I saw your’s Lobohan. It wasn’t a response to it.

That’s pretty random. I didn’t think you were being serious in advocating it in any case. :smiley:

We get edgy humor. I’m a big fan. But not everything that is edgy is humor. Humor needs to be funny. This was just stupid. I mean, does anyone read that and laugh? Having said that, I do think some posters are overreacting. It was just a stupid joke, that’s all.

It holds a candle to actual racism, by framing the real racist, or in this case anti-Semite as a buffoon.

You may not find it funny, but it is on some level, if you’ve ever seen natural bismuth.

But, in any case, I will get off your lawn. I apologize for whipper-snapping.

Everyone gets that it was an attempt at a joke. Not everyone agrees that its intent was satire. Few can understand how anyone could have thought that that joke would be funny or recieved with at best a “WTF?” in the context of it being in a thread devoid of anything to be satirizing. It was merely a free association of vermin with Jew and the belief that inappropriate equals funny if you call it edgy. It was not targeting antiSemitism and there was no call for doing so in that thread.

Those sort of jokes can work, when the satire is on point to the discussion, or when there is an established “character” who is saying it whose running gag is cluelessness, inappropriateness, or stupid hatefulness. Inappropriate can be funny but it is not automatically funny or even “edgy”. Sometimes it is just inappropriate.

This did not work.

Is this enough to call him an asshole on its own? Nah. Just an idiot. And from what’s been posted this is a poster who is going to get himself banned sooner or later for something more worthy of it than this poor judgement. Just wait for it.

The concept that anything inappropriate to say is okay to say if it is tagged as a joke is however just dumb.

Yes, we know that. It’s still not funny. There is no creativity, it’s just stupid. There was no element of racism in the thread until he brought it there.

Are you Mexican?

See, that wasn’t funny either. For the same reason.

JOHN MACE is a RACIST! JOHN MACE is a RACIST!!!11111uno [/hajario]

Given that BPC is someone who preys on mentally handicapped underage girls* (at least two girls with mental issues that we know of) and then brags (or now stealth-brags, these days) about it in his posts, I doubt he’s bright enough to do that.

*He’ll tap-dance around citing some obscure law about how she was technically old enough, sorta.

Attempt at edgy joke failed. I’ve been there. Big whoop. At least he (so far) has not attempted to explain or defend his joke - that’s a dead end.

FTR, I don’t think BPC is a racist. But more germane, I don’t think he’s antisemitic. I agree with you that calls to the contrary are overblown.

Bryan: The night is young.

Why are we talking about whether it was funny? Is being funny some sort of pass to being an asshole?

Stipulate that it was the funniest fucking thing posted on the Internet today. Posting it can still be an asshole thing to do.

When was it not?

I certainly hope so. I’ve been counting on that since I was about 6.