Fun car game (not for the kiddies)

Johnny Bravo the Anal Camero immediately made me think of “Bitchin’ Camero”. Replace that word and sing the song. Giggles abound.

I drive an Anal Volvo. I used to drive an Anal Blazer.

After my father bought his Anal S-10 he gave me a used Anal Century. This afternoon, my brother, my son and I are going in said Anal Century to see my Grandmother, who is in hospital.

Im glad she’s not in an Anal Striker frame.

Anal Golf.

“Now watch this drive.”

For when you just can’t make ot alone, there is the…Anal Escort

Presently I drive an Anal Econoline, but used to drive an Anal Maxima. :eek:

Others could be Anal Dart, Anal Fury (band name!), Anal Demon, Anal Breeze (how refreshing), Anal Neon (for showoffs), Anal Arrow, and Anal Voyager (for Trekkies).

Also, Anal Roadmaster, Anal Rocket 88, Anal Toronado, Anal Special, and Anal Celebrity.

Anal Expedition, Anal Mirage (I swore that asshole was there a minute ago), Anal Comet (after eating Mexican), Anal Matador, Anal Gremlin (must see a Doctor), and Anal Javelin.

The foreign are tougher.

Anal Accent (talking like an asshole?), Anal Rio, Anal Sneaker (eww!), Anal Major, Anal Minor, Anal Super Snipe. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve also got an Anal Caravan. My goodness, that’s an unpleasant picture.

Dad’s got an Anal Sunfire - he should probably have a doctor look at that.

I’ve got an Anal Maxima…not too interesting, but my dad has an Anal Odyssey.

Seems like a porn adaptation of Homer’s epic.

My mom has an Anal Grand Prix.

Ahahahahahaha. Anal Fury. Ahahahahahahaha :stuck_out_tongue:

How about an Anal Metropolitan? Is it a classic car, or a much too-disgusting variation on a popular mixed drink?

There’s always the Anal Bug Some have it, some don’t.

The Anal Ambassador, anyone want to check that diplomatic pouch?

I was getting a lot of strange looks just moments ago, when I filled up the Anal Quest with gas. That explains everything.

Now, I’m off to shower…

Anal Triumph: some connection with Lenni Riefenstahl?

Anal Saab: tears, but not on your pillow.

Anal Pope: on my way to hell for this, anybody want to join me?

Anal Alero.

Which sounds like a James Bond girl.

Or a Spanish movie idol.

I drive a Anal Grand Am.
Hubby drives an Anal Explorer. :eek:

My favorites that I can think of:

Anal Crossfire (Oh, man! It is even on the walls!), Anal Town & Country, Anal Highlander (Forced to roam the earth for eternity…), Anal Echo (Anyone have a match?), Anal Matrix (Blue or Red depository?), Anal Land Cruiser, Anal Expedition (:snaps on glove: Now, bend over…), Anal Express (Choo! Choo!), , Anal Navigator (see ‘Anal Expedition’), Anal Mountaineer (:cue banjo: Buh dun dun dun un ah…), Anal Santa Fe (Who brought the chips?), Anal Baja, Anal Element (There is just something about Mr. McMaverson today.), Anal Pilot (We are about to experience some turbulence), Anal Insight (I see a dark and muddy future ahead), Anal Malibu (optional highlights), Anal Avalanche, Anal Lincoln (he is back and BOY is he pissed!), Anal Astro (heh), Anal Viper, and Anal Vibe to name a few.

I might be back cause this is fun!

In my driveway is my Anal Windstar.

Since motorcycle names apparently count too, I’ve got an Anal Commando (with Amal carbs).

According to the Idaho Statesman Anal Thunderbird is the title of a single by Manville.

Doesn’t anyone drive a Cutlass?

I’ve got the Anal Probe. Have had the Anal Passport, the Anal Breeze and the Anal Sprint. Man, if that isn’t a brochure for a getaway vacation, I dunno what is.

“Pick up your Anal Passports and enjoy the warm, scented Anal Breezes. Take refreshing, leisurely Anal Sprints down our sandy beaches. Finish off this perfect day with a luxurious, relaxing and rejuvenating Anal Probe.”

Guess this wouldn’t be very suitable for the Virgin Islands.

Right now I drive an Anal Cherokee. My first car was an Anal Galaxie XL!!!

I have an Anal Cherokee, too. Gunny has an Anal Ranger and an Anal Nova, which sounds particularly uncomfortable.

How about an Anal Marauder?