Haiku Madness

Where he planned it though
he thought of better options
Plan A or Plan B?

Plan A or Plan B?
To be or not 2 be planned?
The mind does boggle.

The mind does Boggle.

Pear. Pair. Rape. Reap. Ripe. Pier. Um…

Stupid hard word game.

Stupid hard word game.
“There’s hungry, then there’s angry.
What else ends in -gry?”

What else ends in -gry?
Why, there’s…there’s…there’s…there’s…there’s…there’s…
Gravy with no av

Gravy with no av
It cannot be seen or heard
This cooking show sucks

This cooking show sucks
That’s not Alton Brown, is it?
They don’t make Good Eats.

They don’t make good eats
In our cafeteria.
The people rock, though.

The people rock though
They don’t always roll with the
Punches they are dealt

punches they are dealt
violating the count in
express check-out lane

Express check-out lane
of life never contains
a rewind button

a rewind button?
a fast forward, even pause?
life is linear

express check-out lane
I need more groceries, but
Celtling is grumpy

Life is linear
posting is time consuming
must create faster

Must create faster
Time is money, money time
No time to lose, bub

No time to lose, bub
I’m the best at what I do
And that ain’t pretty

And that ain’t pretty
But my kid drew the picture,
So it is treasured.

so it is treasured
more than diamonds or silver
my new DVR

My new DVR
Won’t rewind, I must flip the
drive and fast forward

Drive, and fast! Forward
to the liquor store for beer.
Lost starts in one hour.