Hello Kevin Bacon!

Probably my favorite line from that movie, which has lots of great ones.

Besides “Consider it stepped on”, two other faves, misquoted from memory:

“…I know, he thinks he knows everything, just let it go…”


“Sure Earl, everybody knows about (the monsters). We just didn’t tell you.”

More! More!

I have an “in” with Atlanta TV News! I used to be their “stringer” when I worked local radio, and I know a lady who has been on Channel Two forever and ever!

Can we do this thing, and get on NETWORK NEWS?

Let’s go for it!

Think of your favorite film, his favorite line (s), and just what a great guy he is , all the way around!

I don’t know how y’all are keeping The Dope up on google, but I hope he sees it and responds.

If he needs validation for his art, well, here we are, right?



Was Kevin Bacon the “Thank you, Sir. May I have another?” guy in Animal House?

Yes he was. That was Kevin Bacon.

We should encourage Kevin to get together with Keanu to cheer him up.

Also, you did a good job performing with Meryl Streep in that one movie, Kevin–something about a wild river?

I, for one, welcome Kevin Bacon as our new overlord.

In that case, I definitely have to post.
Tremors!!! And the River Wild.
And possibly everything else you’ve ever been in, Keven Bacon.

We appreciate you.

I wanna wear the cool robe! And be one of the Flag Bearers.

I’ve been a long-time Kevin Bacon admirer from way back. Hell, I even paid good money to see Quicksilver in the theater and thought it was a moving portrayal. So sign me up for the fan club.

If Kevin needs waving at, virtually or otherwise, I’m so there.

I’m surprised no one’s mentioned the scene in Wild Things where Kevin Bacon shows off his sausage.

Kevin, my friend Liam looks like you. Another view.

Odd thing about this thread…apparently I haven’t seen that many Kevin Bacon movies?

I don’t just like Kevin, I also like Streaky and Canadian.

I saw Kevin on Ellen a while back. He seems to have such a good attitude. He has a great body of work. Footloose was an early favorite.

So, if you’re reading this Kevin, Hi and Happy Holidays!

Curiously, Erdős number numbers, Bacon numbers and Erdős-Bacon numbers have come up around the dinner table lately at my house. Also, Tremors is on the to-watch list, if my son ever recovers from Poltergeist.

My favorite actor? Aw that’s easy. Kevin Bacon, obviously. His best movie is probably a tie, between all of 'em.

That project will be doomed without Kevin Gage who was superlative as Waingro in Heat (among other baddies roles).

I wonder if Kevin Bacon has seen the Flight of The Conchords parody of his dance number in Footloose.

Still waiting for Godot, er, Kevin…

Maybe this thread will be twice-blessed and receive a visit from Uncle Cecil himself…