How do you smell?

Well right now I am using Garnier Fructis hair products, so my freshly washed hair smells like fruit.

I wear Halo by Victoria’s Secret perfume. It’s a popular scent but everyone tells me I smell good, so it must work well with my body chemistry.

Add on a layer of soap smell and cigarettes, and that’s me. No one complains about the cigarette smell unless they are a vehement anti-smoker. I do not use scented lotions because I have really dry skin and the best stuff (like Nivea) doesn’t smell like anything.

I smell…clean. I seldom do scents of any kind.

I’ve almost quit wearing perfume on a day-to-day basis. My hair smells like Pantene, and smells very good…unscented, but clean and fresh. Other than that I wear deodarant that smells like baby powder apparently. And the smell of my daily-washed skin.

When I do wear perfume it’s oil and it’s generally jasmine or vanilla.

Have I mentioned lately that I may well have a crush on you? :wink:

I smell like Polo. Always have.

Still two weeks afor I smell of woodsmoke and (hopefully) elk.

It’s because I’m your wife’s alternate universe, slightly-less-good-but-not-quite-evil twin, isn’t it? :smiley:

[hijack]If you come home smelling of elk, do please email me a picture![\hijack]

I smell very faintly of Bath & Bodyworks Warm Vanilla Sugar and very faint citrus scent from my conditioner. I don’t wear fragrances because, like FCM, I’m a delicate flower (shut up).

I don’t really smell like anything. Unscented deoderant/antipersperant. No perfume or cologne. I suppose my hair smells like Pantene Pro-V but only if you put your face up to it and sniff (and I really hope no one by my husband does that) and even then it’s a very faint scent.

I suppose my clothes smell like Gain detergent but that’s another rather faint scent.

When I rean out of my Christian Dior Dolce Vita perfume I just decided not to wear perfume anymore. I don’t really miss it.

Unfortunately, my hair smells mostly like scalp.

What little I have was washed with Suave Coconut shampoo today. My pits smell of Axe “Phoenix” scent deoderant. I usually don’t cologne unless I’m looking for some snuggles from the wife. There hasn’t been much of that lately, though.

Me, too – though the scent doesn’t stay around for very long. If you put my hair up to your nose you can still smell it, but no one just walking by would notice anything.

Most days, if you get close enough to me I smell faintly of musk. I’ve been using Coty’s Wild Musk since I was in high school, and even though it’s a cheap perfume I have gotten many compliments over the years. I used to spray it on the outside of my clothes after I got dressed, but for a while now I’ve just been spraying my bra right before I put a shirt/blouse on. That way the scent isn’t too strong, but stays around subtly for most of the day – the effect particularly works when I’m wearing a v-necked top.

If I’m not wearing perfume the most I’ll smell like is baby powder (Dove deodorant) or soap (also Dove). The lotion I use is unscented.

My scent might be changing soon, though: I’ve recently discovered that I love the “Sweet Pea” products from Bath & Body Works, and in coming weeks I might go into full-on Sweet Pea mode. :slight_smile:

I smell like Youth Dew by Estee Lauder. It’s fabulous!

I usually smell like my dorm room, which is an unfortunate blend of febreeze, popcorn, old laundry, and general “guy.”

Of course, I blame it on my roommate . . .


Today it’s The Cracked Bell – it’s an essential oil blend from BPAL. They make some amazing scents, and Cracked Bell is one of my fallback picks for when I can’t decide what I want to smell of today.

And I use Antihero – it’s soap from Villainess.

This all reminds me that I need to resoap and oil my boots, especially as it’s getting on toward winter. (saddle soap and neatsfoot oil smell great too :smiley: )

Garnier Fructis shampoo, but I wash it out until you can’t smell it. Faintly of cedar soap. My legs, perhaps faintly of Body Shop avocado body butter. That should be it for added smells; I use unscented deodorant, unscented detergent, no dryer sheets, almost never perfume, and a not-very-smelly toothpaste. I work with a lot of peopk whose allergies are worse than mine.

Generally, I smell like gas and ass. And stale beer.

I have no friends. :frowning:

Was told recently that I smell, upon close inspection, like smoke, booze, sweat, hairspray, and perfume.


The guy in question said I was his favorite smell.

I would like to add the caveat that I work in a bar.

I smell a bit like chlorine thanks to all the swimming I’ve been doing this year. I generally can’t smell it, though, except during a shower or after I shave because a) it’s faint and b) I have a weak sense of smell most of the year due to allergies and a generally fucked nasal cavity.

This is also why I don’t wear cologne–I could easily become That Guy Who Wears Enough Cologne To Violate The Geneva Convention.

I almost never wear perfume, so I also smell of Dove baby powder deodorant. My lotion is currently the unscented variety.

My sister bought me some of the “Sweet Pea” lotion from Bath & Body, though, and it does smell yummy. Also feels good.

Hey, you. Lay in a supply of Ivory soap and Polo by Ralph Lauren. People will line up to inhale your essence.

I’ve never said this before, but I think I want to smell you. You sound delicious.

As for myself, I smell like nothing (hopefully). I try and use all odorless products.

I smell like Chanel #5.