I pit the derisive, condenscending, anti-conspiriacy ... [merged threads]

I do. But there are consequences.

That’s what They want you to think!

I dare you to share it.

Idiocracy. Not just a movie.

Good point - though I’s strike “government” and substitute “establishment” so as to include any entrenched power structure whether public or private.

“Grand Conspiracy” Theory, whether deliberately or unwittingly, tends to call attention away from how the state and Big Money screws the citizen/consumer or puts forth policies of dubious wisdom or dubious morality piecemeal, through perfectly legal means – e.g. Mortgage-Backed Securities/Housing Bubble, PATRIOT Act, etc. People get into a lather over that the business and political leaders are gathering for the Bohemian Grove weekend secret retreat, while not even noticing the entirely public and open hearing on some piece of bad legislation, or not reading the notice their bank just sent them about a new item in their contract terms that will put them over a barrel.

Damn. I tried. They won’t allow it.

I don’t know much about him, but I do get a strong vibe of college sophomore (or perhaps dropout) who’s like, figured it all out, man, courtesy of some late-night kook website autodidacticism and a couple of mushroom trips whose revelatory importance he vastly overestimated. I know that he’s highly fucking annoying and it’s disheartening to see uninitiated posters step up to the plate thinking they can reason with him, only to be frustrated by an incomprehensible string of airy pseudo-profundities and non-sequiturs.

He’s the guy I’d probably get good drugs from, but would strive to complete the transaction and get the fuck out of there as quickly as possible.

Yeah, it’s also a short story.


Don’t you want politicians to be able to talk candidly at times, in reference to some Obama handshake story I have peripheral knowledge of, at best.

I love it! There is a secret government conspiracy to spread conspiracy theories. All those who are spreading them are really just Sheeple, falling for their master plan. Its the ultimate example ofthis tactic. I’m going to use it the next chance I get.

I see we’re already back to the pattern established by page 3 in the other thread. I wonder if this stuff makes sense in Kozmikland.

For the record, I’m conspiring against most of you.

By yourself? You’ll go blind!

Who said that?

You guys don’t get it!

You see a picture of politicians shaking hands, but what you don’t know is that they were actually talking before they shook hands! And they might have shaken hands previously, but THERE IS NO PHOTOGRAPH of that! Why not? I think it’s obvious that they wanted to keep those other handshakes secret.

We have no way of knowing how many possible handshakes there could have been, or what they discussed during those earlier handshakes, but all of the above evidence proves that it was aliens!


We’re through the rabbit hole here, people.

That conspiracy thread was oddly reminiscent of the classic “Jimi Hendrix was drowned in wine” conspiracy thread, only dumber and duller.

You don’t have a clue, fuzzy-brain.

Did you know that the Queen was overheard muttering a word that might have been “integer” to a man in an expensive business suit whose identity is an open secret? That casts grave doubt on your simplistic “1+1=2”, sheeple-person.


“The sheer magnitude and complex web of deceit surrounding the individuals and organizations involved in this conspiracy is mind boggling, even for the most astute among us. Most people react with disbelief and skepticism towards the topic, unaware that they have been conditioned (brainwashed) to react with skepticism by institutional and media influences that were created by the Mother of All mind control organizations: The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London.”

I didn’t notice this but I was going to use a similar comparison:

Poster: “Kozmik, what do you think 2+2 is?”
Kozmik: “That’s what I’m saying!”
Poster: “What the fuck are you talking about?”
Kozmik: “Exactly - it’s possible!”

The secret and faceless conspire
To rule us! But Kozmik’s on fire
To take up the task
And pull off the mask
Of evil! Let all then aspire

To follow his lead and find Truth
Wherever it hides (on the roof?)
Lest boogeyman dire
Emerge from the mire
To gobble us up. Praise the sleuth

Who’s seen the light. Let it shine through!
Believe what he’s saying. It’s true!
For Kozmik the Brave
Will all of us save
From… what? I dunno, quite; do you?

I have no evidence that conspiracy theories aren’t true. I’m just asking questions about the possibility that they’re complete bullshit.