Prediction: Romney landslide win

Reagan crushed Carter 489-49 in 1980 and he crushed Mondale 525-13 in 1984.

Romney will definitely get over 400.

Are you cloning a vast army of trailer-park yokels to vote for him?

New York and California and Illinois alone have 104 electoral votes. To believe Romney gets over 400 you have to believe he either wins some of those states, or he wins almost every single other state.

By cutting taxes on the rich, Romney will retroactively grow electors.

I live about four miles from the border. (And I can walk to Canada at low tide.) :smiley:

Leaving religion out of it, don’t discount the fact that he’s a Moron.

Things are looking worse and worse for Obama. The chickens are coming home to roost. I don’t see a landslide for Romney but I do predict that Obama will be soundly beaten. The Democrats on this board and in the country have been in denial about the situation for a long time. They cannot even conceive that their hero could lose.

Another story which won’t help matters for the present administration, from The Independent, a liberal newspaper.

I love bold, confident prediction threads like this. They’re fun to bump after they fail. I already have my eye on this one too.

0bama and his Marxist thugs HAVE to go back to Chicago…Unlike the past few months, I am starting to feel pretty good about our chances of deposing of the Marxist. The entire nation has be harmed under this regime and Americans want a change.

Yes, ever since the convention he’s been falling further ahead in the polls.

Now I see! What a fool I’ve been! I’ve been trusting the polls and facts instead of my gut, where the truthiness is.

I honestly have trouble believing someone would post this in sincerity.

I can conceive that Obama could lose. And it’s because of the backwards and outright nonsensical nature of conservative policy that I wish that not to happen.

Romney has promised to raise taxes on everyone but the super rich. How can Romney win when Obama has cut almost everyone’s taxes? Didn’t you fill out the “making work pay” worksheet on the back of your tax form? Didn’t you have to fill out the payroll tax holiday paperwork for every new hire?

Romney wants all these tax cuts gone, tax cuts on regular working people and tax cuts for big businesses that are actually interested in hiring people.

Romney will get rid of all of that and cut taxes for the rich while raising taxes for a good chunk of the middle class.

How can Romney win when he has promised more taxes for almost everyone? Obama wants to keep demand stimulating tax cuts in place.

People will see through Romney, and the Obama side is holding an October Surprise, theres a huge scandal about what Romney did in France waiting to go public.

Do me a favor. Define Marxist.

Also, using a zero for Obama’s “O” comes across as less than serious. Do you think that helps your arguments?

It’s mind-boggling how Romney can completely screw up, to the point where even Joe Scarborough and the National Review are calling him out, and certain people on the internet will still proclaim his political mastery and imminent victory in the face of all facts and logic.

Mittens shit the bed on Tuesday, and his online fanboys are gathered around it talking up how thick and firm it is.

If Romney wins, I’m leaving America!

Oh, wait. Um …

Just in case, do you have a spare bed?

“Boy howdy, that’s a good shit. Atta Boy Mr. Romney! Wait till those Dems see you sitting all covered in that. They’ll run for the hills, I reckon!”

You are either delusional or some type of performance art project.

Groucho, maybe. More likely Harpo, but Chico is right out.

Sure thing. Special rate for you, farang. :wink: