scrambledeggs, please, give the threads a rest

Until this thread I hadn’t consciously noticed Scrambled Eggsat all or his/her posts but trawling through the boards just now I have and though I was predisposed to think that he/she was a twat I found that the questions were interesting and found myself wondering about the answers .

The fact is **Guinesta **you are a NASTY LITTLE BULLY ,you were whenI first came on these boards and you are now .

Just WHO exactly do you think you are?

Trying to compensate for your own low self esteem and,from the contents of your posts,your own total failure in life?

Yes its never been your fault has it ?

Its not been your own laziness or fecklessness or,how can we put it?your own intellectual deficiencies for getting pregnant young .
Or your own self confessed deficiencies as a parent ?
Oh no its societies fault or racism but never yours as an adult,supposedly mature ,voting citizen.

Who the flying FUCK do you think you are telling someone else on an MB devoted to free expression not to post ?

Think that you’re Hitler now do you?

You are pretty pathetic,bigoted and ill informed judging by your posts.

I suggest that you try growing up,start taking responsibility for your life,stop making excuses for the level of your parenting(Your posts give it all away)

And try not picking on newbies to give yourself a cheap little thrill,you really are an unnaturally loathsome person.

If you have a problem with this DO get back to me!

Moooooommm… Guin stole my Poland!

Seriously though, that was one classic Godwin moment. If I had a beverage in my mouth, it would now be outside said mouth. It’s a shame that you don’t seem to have been going for humor.


How do virgins get pregnant these days?

YEAH! That Hitler guy didn’t like people who asked too many questions neither!

Eh. Personally, I’m far more annoyed by posters who feel they have a right to control others’ posting styles than I am by those who post a number of interesting thread topics during a short period of time.

He may be confusing the OP with one of our many other resident basket cases.

So, what’s with picking on a newbie for asking a lot of questions?

Apparently he can ask a lot questions in other threads, just not his own.

This sentence is too long.

Guin needs someone she can look down her nose at. It’s a pretty low bar, after all.

Look, you really should have used an exclamation point there.

I agree. And by the way, I’m sorry for beating you up all those times.

You know, this is probably the biggest reason why in nearly two years I’ve got less than 200 posts and have started very few threads. Oh, believe me, a lot of possible topics and posts are composed in my mind while I’m at work or driving down the road and one or two might even be interesting or thought-provoking. But ultimately I’ve learned that I will be judged on the nitpickiest of things and when I have time to sit down and open this board, my better judgment keeps my hands off the keyboard. I’m just not willing to subject myself to a rude and elitist pitting such as this when my intentions, just as I assume are the intentions of 'eggs, are friendly and in the spirit of camaraderie.

so’s this.

no u.




So, essentially you’d rather keep your mouth shut and let people assume you’re an idiot, rather than opening it 30,000+ times and remove all doubt?*
*I actually don’t think you’re an idiot at all.

Speaking of idiots, I really wish I got this joke.

Me, too. If someone tells you, PM it to me.