Share your favoritef classic funny threads!

In light of a recent thread about jalapenos causing the OP’s anus to burn I searched in vain for the classic “I have a serious case of wolfass”

But I did find lieu’s

“When deer take a stand”

My Bladder Knows I’m Home

I never knew that was the origin of that phrase and how did that thread not make it past the first page on that phrase alone? I was here for many of these threads, how did I miss these? Someone needs to PM me when interesting things happen so I don’t feel so left out.

Okay, I’m so glad I’m not the only one who finds the TMI threads are the best.

And I wish I had missed your TMI post in the Olestra thread, scout1222. Somehow knowing what you look like in person makes it 10 times worse.

One more Master Wang-Ka story that I feel must be shared. It’s post #31 in this thread, but there are some other goodies along the way.
(Wasn’t he the one with the story about the attempt to cook dinner involving broken glass, aerosol cans, someone called Gorilla, IIRC, and a timer slightly the worse for wear? Yes. The specific story I’m thinking of is post #50 in this thread, but don’t read just that one. Much ahem goodness abounds in this thread.)

Holy shit…I just spent a longass time reading about Auntie Em’s co-worker. It just drops off…WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?

Dayum! That guy is a genius. His last post was October 2006 - anybody know where he is? (To ask the whole board, would a GQ be acceptable?)

I’m going to have a freaking panic attack if someone doesn’t tell me about Auntie Em’s coworker. It’s almost 2008 there has to be more information on this since then

The drama continues.

And continues…

…and continues…

…and continues…

…aaaaand concludes.

That last thread starts out with a summary if you don’t feel like taking a week off of work to catch up.

I guess this means you’ll never sit next to me at a Dopefest. :frowning:

Heh - I just reread that thread. God I kill me.

Though it’s just a few days old, I believe that justanoldvet’s How to Catch a 37 Pound Salmon should be added to the pantheon of classically funny posts. Well done, Vet!

I already don’t sit next to you at Dopefests. :smiley:

Just kidding! As long as you’re not eating anything with Olestra, we’re fine. :wink: In all seriousness, I just need to scrub the image from my brain. (Look on the bright side, anyway: some guys are into that. :eek: )

Nonie and Oscar’s Christmas display

Toy Story- No gun for Woody?

Shouldn’t we also have a moment of silence for the Christmas Phallus?

One of the best trolls we ever had inspired this. Follow the links in the OP first.

This individual post slays me.

Someone’s going to link to “If LOTR had been written by someone else” soon, but that’s not the only time we’ve all convened on the same subject.

Another SDMB meme.

I still have that corset, but he never did make a coat of plates…

Does that mean that something has happened to the 18"DHIBJD? Quelle dommage!