Spit or Swallow? A followup poll TMI?

Where’s the darn kissy smilie? Smoooch! Feel better? :wink:

Actually, I agree. I’m not sure I’m ready to follow Reeter’s lead, but I always (used to) kiss the lady, afterwards. Most lovingly and passionately, too, if allowed. Yes, I’m a post-whatever cuddler.

But, I’m not sure I really want to share the “payload”. There’s something about swallowing a fluid that was produced by my own body that just makes me squeamish. I guess I could give it a try, if I were with a woman who felt the way you do about it.

[possibly TMI, oh well, I’m bored in China]

Well lemme ask you this . . . back in the day (assuming you are not <ahem> getting any now), did you like to kiss your lady after you gave her some oral loving?

Swallow. For me that’s part of the entire oral sex thing.

Okay, I have to go read something else, for a while. That was too much of a good thing. But, Sue’s OP was incredibly funny. :smiley: So, thanks!

Hmmm…words imply sympathy; big grin implies taunting…Thank you, FaerieBeth.



LOL! Puns are the lowest form of humor, you know. Umm…except for all the other types of humor.

Let me keep this breif and to the point.
Reverse the situation.

A guy is going down on you and as soon as you are starting to climax he moves his face away and afterwords starts swabbing his mouth with a towel.

It destroys the intamacy and makes the guy feel like he is disgusting and his normal function of climax is unwanted. And women wonder why men get sexual disfunctions…

Whenever you wonder “why is ***** so important to men/women” think about it from the other persons perspective.


Okay, okay. I feel bad now for poking an angry Davebear with a sharp stick. I offer true sympathy to anyone who has gone 10 years without something as wonderful as a blowjob.
Momma always said my smart mouth would get me into trouble… :wink:


:dubious: double-checks Contrary’s location China?

Sure; ask away. It’s clearly TMI Day, here at SDMB. :slight_smile:

Yes. Although, I try to remember not to do the “glazed donut” thing, as aha so amusingly put it. Why? Is this a good thing, or a bad thing? It’s not like I had a mouthful of anything other than teeth.

Granted, a woman’s secretions tend to be more powerfully scented than a man’s, and I assume more powerfully flavored. But, we men don’t get a real mouthful from you ladies to begin with (or end with, as the case may be). IMO, this is unfortunate; I would definitely be a swallower, if we did.

I have noticed that women’s reactions to the post-cunnilingual kiss vary, but I don’t know if there’s a consensus on this, or not. (So many potential TMI topics! (So many parentheses! (And exclamation points!!!))) Some don’t react any differently. Some turn away (just as rude and hurtful as when a guy does it). I’ve never had a woman say anything like “Yum!”. I have had women say “So, that’s what I taste like.” Some women just always rolled over, away from me (Go ahead, say it. We don’t want anyone bursting a blood vessel. ;)), after any kind of sex, so it wouldn’t be easy to gauge their reactions. So, I honestly don’t know whether there’s a general rule of thumb, or not.

Oh, and I didn’t mean to imply I haven’t had any sex in ten years; just no blowjobs. Sorry for any confusion.

Was this coherent? I can’t tell, any more. Sleeeeeeeeep!

Naw! It wasn’t an angry Davebear you poked. You can tell, 'cause you still have both hands. I haven’t even been near Grizzly mode, all day. Right now, the Bearometer is reading about 1.2, and falling (asleep). That’s way down in Teddy territory. {{FaerieBeth}}

Yeah, but you also know how to use it to get out of trouble. :smiley:

Yeah China – Beijing to be precise. I’m here on business for 10 days and boy it’s a long 10 days.

Oh and as long as I’m being TMI-ish – have you tasted both? :wink: Because IMO the male stuff tastes a lot stronger. Your experiences may differ.

Anything that ends up in my mouth gets swallowed, but I try to minimize that by removing my mouth as fast as possible. Once in awhile I’ll go for it, but I have to be feeling strong-stomached, since I find it pretty icky.

Incidentally, there is nothing more disgusting to me than porn where women are transferring mouthfuls of it back and forth, letting it linger in their mouths, wiping it off somewhere and licking their fingers, etc. All of it is just…Gah!

I prefer to suck strapped on cock, and then this isn’t an issue!

ICK. Not on your life sweetie. :slight_smile: (This may be related to the gag-reflex I mentioned in matt_mcl’s thread)

Way too many oral sex threads … jesus guys, you’re killing me :frowning:

Now I think some phone sex is required STAT !!!

Swallow. But, like Medea’s Child, I prefer to wash it down with something afterwards. While not life-threateningly awful in any sense, the taste isn’t exactly one I want lingering in my mouth for hours on end.

Well, I guess I’ve tasted it indirectly. Never made much of an impression, as I recall. Whereas, the female equivalent can be pure nectar. :smiley: Of course, most of the experience, for me, is the scent. Utterly intoxicating (literally, though briefly) when it’s just right.

Should I take it that your opinion is based on experience?

Interesting. So, you get pleasure purely from the act of sucking on it?

Aw! I’m sorry, RH. Here, {{RH}}, let me give you a hug. And, a nice backrub…nice, looong, gentle strokes…and, maybe a little nuzzling at the base of your neck…and a little ear nibble…and…

:smiley: I never said I wasn’t evil.

LOL you MA men … all the same !!!