Oral Sex: Spit vs. Swallow

So my friend was lamenting that his wife doesn’t swallow when giving him oral sex. Then we had a discussion about the percentage of women who spit vs. swallow in the US and worldwide and I realized that I only had anecdotal information.

So I Googled it and there were way too many opinions to sort through. Then I did a search here with the word swallow and forget it. So, I am reluctantly asking in GQ, sorry if it has been asked before.

They did studies on everything sexual in the 70’s right? There must be some scientific survey on this. If not, I sense an easy master’s degree.

What is the percentage of women who spit vs. the percentage of women who swallow during oral sex, with a man, in the US and also worldwide?

You also need to factor in the money shot brigade, for the women who do not want you to cum in their mouth at all.

If a guy is married he ought to be happy he is getting oral sex at all.

Remember the joke: Why is the bride at a wedding smiling so much? She knows she will never have to give another blowjob.

Definition of “a Ten”… an Eleven who swallows.
Don’t remember who said it.

Wouldn’t it be reversed? An “Eleven” is a “Ten” who swallows.

Anyway . . . Slight hijack: For male/male, it’s almost always swallow.

You are assuming that every woman who gives oral sex to a man is either a spitter or a swallower, consistently.

I doubt that this assumption is true. It is possible to vary one’s sexual practices, and most people do.

Yeah, some freak the fuck out and jerk back like a snake bite em to get as far away from your dick as they can the second you give any indication you might be cumming. :wink:
Some women aren’t cum fans. To put it diplomatically. Some. A minority.

And I am reliably informed that some men’s ejaculation tastes better than others. It does partly depend on what they have been eating (garlic and asparagus are apparently verboten) but some men just taste nasty - apparently.

And drinking. The pineapple juice thing apparently really works. And smoking is bad.

I’d say its around 50-50.

Now we get to the really important questions. Since 1973 indeed.

The taste also depends on what medications you’ve been taking. Some of mine give my semen a slightly bitter taste. And it also depends on how much time has elapsed since your last ejaculation. If you wait longer, like a few days, it’s less bitter. Apparently, the sperm has a less-bitter taste than the other stuff, so it helps to wait until it’s replenished.

(Bolding mine)

If it’s not straying to far off topic, did he say WHY he was lamenting it? I’ve been with girls who spit, and some who swallow, and there wasn’t any change in feeling. Is there some reason being swallowed is better?

Unless she keeps a spittoon (or it’s not her house so she doesn’t care where she unloads it) I assume she gets up and runs to the bathroom… a bit of an interruptus.

Sher could spit it in his mouth. Sauce for the gander and all that.


64 years old and the brain deterioration accelerates. Yes, you’re right, thank you.

No regifting.

I know your pal’s pain. I have similar problems. For example, the Air Conditioning in my Rolls Royce, while decent, never quite freezes solid ice cubes, leaving them all watery in the center. This makes for a sub-standard Margarita. And the assholes who built my mini-submarine cut corners and used crappy 3-way point-source audio speakers instead of the fancy line-source stuff like Bill Gate’s buddies mini-sub.

Nope. Funnier the other way. Think about it.

I’ve always heard that the brain is the second thing to go.

the first, of course, being eyesight

Actually, the way I heard it…

“They say the mind is the second thing to go…”

If they don’t have a dirty mind, then they’ll set you up perfectly -“What’s the first?”

“I don’t remember.”