I realize this has almost certainly been done, before. But, not for a while, if my search skills haven’t let me down. So, this is a followup to this poll.
As I recall, only one poster in the linked poll even mentioned a preference for spitting versus swallowing. Gentlemen, no need to chime in on your preference as the recipient of the attentions, unless you actually prefer a spitter. I’ve never met a guy who preferred a spitter, that I know of. I’d like to hear why, if such a person exists.
So, ladies and gentlemen, what’s the scoop? Is it a creamy delight, to be savored? Just part of the deal? An unfortunate consequence of an otherwise enjoyable act? And, what’s the proper etiquette, if you’re going to spit?
Besides, Hubby says it would just make him feel unwanted. I don’t necessarily ‘savor the creamy goodness’. I really couldn’t say that I even taste it since it hits the back of my throat and I just…swallow.
Swallow. But the weird thing is, I didn’t originally intend to be a swallower…
[possibly TMI story]
The first time I did it, it was dark, and we were at my boyfriend’s dad’s house and his little sister’s room was on the other side of the wall, so he had to be quiet, so I really couldn’t tell when he was ready to… um… yeah. And then I suddenly gagged a bit, but I thought I had moved my head the wrong way or something, so I just kinda kept going, not realizing, until finally he just stopped me and I was very confused. I didn’t realize until the next morning when he said something like “I can’t believe you swallowed,” that I actually HAD swallowed. So from then on the philosophy was kinda “Well, I already did it once, so… eh, what the hell.” [/possibly TMI story]
So I guess it’s not that I really enjoy the swallowing part, it ain’t exactly deelishus, but it ain’t puke-worthy, and spitting is awkward.
I must say, I’ve never considered it to be a delight to be savoured.
I swallow. It’s easier and I don’t mind do it since most guys do prefer that. However, I’ve had two partners I just couldn’t swallow for. They both had rather thick ejaculate, coupled with a strong taste. I had to keep from gagging.
And etiquette… I did dash to the sink, but I tried to spit it out without being loud about it. I never said anything negative to them.
Sure. It’s pretty simple, IMHO. You have to stop doing what you’re doing to spit. But, you can swallow without a significant break in the action. In my experience, spitters are usually done, at that point. And, that’s just when it’s getting to the best part.
Yeah. I don’t see much upside to it. That’s why I asked.
I admit, I am kind of stuck on the theme, today. But, it’s a hell of a lot more interesting, to me, than debating the war or lame-ass pittings. And, I was running out of new, interesting threads, so…
So, what are you doing, pezpunk? Following me around the forums?
This weekend I seem to have an oral sex fixation also… talked to bf on the phone and told him how much I wished he was here cos by god, he’d be treated to as much as he wanted…
I just love it - all of it… there is nothing about it thats wrong in anyway…
Dear God, why cant we invent a Star Trek transporter thingy???
Oral sex threads are killing me (yet keeping bf happy knowing I’m thinking of him lol)…
Ok here’s a minor rant – men who prefer us to swallow (which IMO is a lot easier than running to spit, but that’s a different post), and then will not under any circumstances kiss afterwards.
Oh pleeeeeze!
If it’s good enough for you to shoot the stuff in my mouth, then it’s good enough to give me a kiss afterwards. I’m not even talking about Reeter’s solution (although damn that’s hot). Just a nice normal after everything’s swallowed and gone kind of kiss.
I wouldn’t call it a fixation, exactly. It’s not even something I think about, normally. I happened across the thread from last month, and bumped it. Other people responded, so I figured it was a popular topic, and took it another step. Okay, maybe a little fixated, but…ten years! It’s kind of killing me, too, but it’s still better than the War flame wars.