Why is it so important to a guy if a girl “swallows”?
I’m guessing we’re not discussing gum, are we.
sunrise_4836, you sure start some interesting threads! Are you taking some kind of sexual psychology course???
I suppose it isn’t as important to swallow as it is to finish the act. If you want to just hold your breath before the impending explosion, hold it in your mouth, then spit it out, that seems fine to me. No guy I know likes a tease. Personally, I find the thought of giving a blowjob kind of repulsive, but then again, I’m not female or gay, which probably explains it.
Having someone blow a hot load of tadpole yogurt in your mouth does not seem too appetizing. Of course, I would never put up an argument if any girl wants to blow me. I’ve known a few women who just loved the taste of jism. I guess it’s a two-way street, as some women couldn’t imagine themselves muff diving. To me, it’s the nectar of the gods.
Does anyone have an opinion on the effect of a guy’s diet on the taste of his sperm? F’rinstance, I eat a lot of garlic. Does that mean I taste like marinara?
It’s psychological. Like wanting a woman to have an orgasm. Looked at in the best light, I guess you could say it’s unselfish, that is, other-regarding. If a guy were only concerned about his own physical pleasure, he wouldn’t care one way or another; but he wants the woman to be involved in the act…
I read taht if the guy eats fruits his sperm will taste sweeter than if he ate vegtables & salad, which makes it tast salty.
I hear cinnamon is good.
Keep those buns coming!
This thread is best suited to IMHO.
Actually, it’s best suited to die a slow death, but we don’t ususally do that here, so I’ll move it.
Sorry, slythe.
As Dire Wolf said, it’s more the finishing than the swallowing. From a strictly physical standpoint, it feels oh so much nicer to come in someone’s mouth at the end. The last thing you want at that moment is for someone to cease all contact. (Imagine if a guy yanked his head away the second you started to have an orgasm when he was going down on you – the sensations during the orgasm are what make it so amazing.) This makes a major difference, irregardless of whether or not any swallowing takes place.
Psychologically, the actual swallowing instead of spitting is cool, although I’m not really sure why. It just makes the other person seem uninhibited and excited about the act. You hate the thought of putting something repulsive in your partner’s mouth, so it’s nice if they enjoy it. (Or at least don’t mind it.) It’s not really that important to me, though.
Whoops, just to be clear, that last sentence should have read:
“It’s not really that important to me if they don’t want to swallow, though.” Not if they don’t enjoy it.
Hey, I’ve been wondering about this question too…I’ve never swallowed myself, I’m a “dodger” as it “do you spit, swallow, or dodge?” Sorri, I can totally deal w/going down on a guy, but the thought of a million little sperms slowly oozing into my mouth from the same hole that the guy pisses out of kinda grosses me out
I hope your guy pals don’t share this same attitude. Otherwise, cunnilingus would be out…
To answer the OP, I can honestly say that once I have an orgasm, I don’t CARE about where the stuff goes. Though clean-up IS easier if the stuff is not left to spew all over the place…
Yer pal,
Satan - Commissioner, The Teeming Minions
Five months, three weeks, 18 hours, 29 minutes and 2 seconds.
6990 cigarettes not smoked, saving $873.85.
Extra time with Drain Bead: 3 weeks, 3 days, 6 hours, 30 minutes.
*“I’m a big Genesis fan.”-David B. (Amen, brother!)
Hey, if they wanna swallow mine, I have no objections…but if they’re dodgers too, I understand and feel the same way!
Uhm, In women urine exits from the urethra. Not from the vagina. Although they are in the same neighborhood.
ducks and runs
Grapefruit juice and coffee make cum taste very bad adnd bitter.
Chocolate milk makes it sweeter.
This has been my experience. As for spit or swallow…depends
small note to manhattan: Thank you ever so much for this thread.
It is said that revenge is a dish best served cold.
I’ve got a large can of whoop-ass with your name on it sitting in my freezer.
I would just like to commend Dire Wolf for giving me the best phrase I have heard in a long while: tadpole yogurt. Best band names, anyone?
I’d have to agree that it’s not about swallowing or not swallowing, but about finishing. Then again, I like a snowball every now and then, too. But tadpole yogurt??
*Originally posted by sunrise_4836 *
**Why is it so important to a guy if a girl “swallows”? **
It’s mainly an ego thing. If a guy would gag and spit after going down on you, would you feel that great about how you taste? I mean, I swallow, but it’s mainly b/c it doesn’t taste bad and spitting is kinda rude to start with.
ssskuggiii, I can agree with you, but I think guys wouldn’t have as much of a problem if they were the ones being “forced” to swallow too. I think guys should realize that although it doesn’t taste overly bad it isn’t all that great either.
Whether or not she swallows is secondary, IMHO; it’s the thought that counts.
When you care enough to send the very best…
eating pineapples makes it taste sweeter.
uhh, so i’ve heard.