The do-over MMP

Which I successfully did, going off topic about Punxsutawney. :wink:
25 minutes later I’m still trying to get my irk 'puter to boot up. I think I may need to give it a boot, as in a swift kick.

Merged duplicate threads.

Luckily, any ensuing confusion will be indiscernible to MMPers.

:: Confession of past misdeeds to follow ::

When I was about 21-22, single, I was working for a company that made electronic components. I was in the production end of the world. There was a lady, about a year or two older than me - Susan. Not Sue, not Susie or Suzie. Susan.

SI Swimsuit beautiful. Not a beanpole, long wavy blonde hair. The most incredible blue eyes I’ve ever looked into. I was a schlub that wore Sears polyester workpants and old t-shirts every day while I stuck my hands in acid baths or hunched over a 5,000 lb press all day. She wore nice dresses and business clothes and worked as the assistant to the Comptroller.

We fell madly, uncontrollably in love. We went bowling, we went on lunchtime picnics, we went once or twice on overnights in nice hotels downtown in Chicago. We had fancy dinners, we met for breakfast before work.

Except for one thing we’d have been perfectly happy. Susan was married. Her husband was a dentist ten years older than she was. Aside from his practice, he golfed, did the after work club scotch gatherings with his buddies, weekend hunting or fishing trips… Essentially he married this gorgeous creature then left her alone.

This went on for most of a year. One or two close calls - once I actually did the cliche “jump off the back bedroom balcony holding my clothes while he pulled into the garage in front” trick.

We never got caught, though she met most of my friends. No one at work ever knew, but I met her sister and couple of her friends. Everyone that met us together said we were perfect for each other, her sister offered to find her a “motherfucking lawyer”.

But, Susan got a conscience, which I guess was the “right” thing to do. We had a lot of long talks and I was the one that actually said the words “ok then we’ll end this”.

Years later I found out that they stayed together to raise twin sons. He died in 2007, their sons were 16 at the time. I found this out because we ran into each other at the Panera in my town. Where she had moved to after her husband’s death.

She said he never knew a thing until the day he died, and that she had never strayed again after me. She’d been a perfect, dutiful wife, never quite loving him like she should have but content and she thought the world of him as a father.

At the time I saw her she would have been 48, she could have passed for ten to twelve years younger. She even wore the same scent I remembered from those days. We sat, had a cup of coffee (hers: unsweetened with cream) and talked. Neither of us were going to try to go back, I am very firmly, usually happily married and she wasn’t about to interfere.

CatDude, you and I have a history of being dangerous to marriages. I’m not going to put you in the position I was in back then and I certainly don’t ever want to feel like I know you did, wanting it all and knowing it would never happen”

Or words to that effect.

Once in a blue moon we see each other - at the store, the bank or wherever. We always stop and hug. I almost always spend the rest of the day grinning, though it’s kind of a sad grin.

So, to the OP - the reset button. I’d go back then, and instead of dissuading her, I’d grab her hand and walk her to her sister’s and say call the motherfucking lawyer. I’d take her somewhere we could live together while she got divorced and we live happily ever after.

But even saying that now, I think of the remarkably cool daughter and now granddaughter I have now and think what would happen there? So, I’d hit that button but only if I could get a guarantee that my kid now would still be my kid then.

Oh, and I’d keep Cuervo.

CatDude is the odds on early contestant to beat with a do-over story. Gonna be hard to top that one folks!

OYKW and I had brekkie and he left for large and in charge Macon, Jawja aka Macon Bacon. That’s what I’ve always called Macon. At one time they had billboards all around Macon advertisin’ the number of hotel rooms available with the tagline, “Wake In Macon” which only added to the snerkiness of it all when one said, “Wake In Macon, Macon Bacon.” What? I find it to be quite amusin’. Anywho, I am now at irk and sans adult supervision until Thursday.

Ok, back to irkstuff. Sigh.

I’d love to think that when I was young and cripplingly insecure, I would have tried harder to make a girl I liked laugh.

I’d like to think that I’d say and that I’d move heaven and earth so that a girl I really liked back in the day would Absolutely Know that I liked her and that she’d know my name; its the romantic in me.
The truth is closer to this though: if a woman doesn’t feel it back, doesn’t show it back, or express it back, then what good is it at all? Are you putting on a show & charging for tickets?

“So you fit in a size 2. That don’t impressa me much…”

I’ll answer the easy question first. My favorite breakfast is a two-egg scramble with bite sized bits of ham, spinach, tomato, and swiss cheese mixed right in, not sitting in an egg tortilla; 3 slices of über crisp bacon, a couple of slices of sweet canteloupe, a glass of cranberry juice, and a bottomless cup of coffee, prepared by and cleaned up after by somebody else.

now the tough one

There are several points in my life for which I’d like a do over.

  1. I’d like to go back to 8th grade and not have an ice cream sandwich and/or jelly donut every day at lunch. I put a lot of weight on that year and went from a size 12 to a size 20. Had I corrected this error, only good could have come from it, and I might even be the Broadway Diva I always dreamed I’d be. sigh
  2. Failing that, I’d go back to the summer of '77 and keep myself from falling in love with the Asshat[sup]TM[/sup]. But, I wouldn’t have had the nest friend that I had for all those years. He was a good friend…when he wanted to be. So if I hadn’t have fallen for him, I wouldn’t have watched him fall for my cousin and half my friends. I might actually have believed in love and I might actually have been open to someone who fell in love with me.
  3. Failing both 1 and 2, I would go back to 2002, and not let the threat of losing my job undo all the weight loss and physical progress I’d made since my 2001 double hip replacement.
    and I’d always have Smokey.

True dat.

Breakfast, I have two…

Grapenuts or Granola in vanilla yogurt with fresh raspberries/other fruit. I eat this most days.

Chicken Fried Steak, pepper cream gravy, two eggs over easy, poke sausage, bacon, hash browns and biscuit/rye toast with apple butter.

As to the do over, Paula K., should have braved the difficulties and married that woman. Let my youth and ego destroy that one, all I had to do was suck it up and call her. Stoopit

Happy Moanday all


Oddly enough, I don’t have a favorite breakfast because it really depends on the time of year and location. There are times when I llike sitting on a sunny patio with some fruit, juice and coffee and am perfectly happy, and there are times when I really just love a Western omelette.

As for do overs, the only thing I would have changed in my life was to let my father walk me down the aisle when I got married. You see, my parents’ divorce was bitter and we ended up living with mom. Dad cheated on mom with another woman and married her. Anyway, when I got married I was young and dumb, and, although at that point in my life, I was seeing my Dad more often and we got on well, there was some childish part of me that wouldn’t let him walk me down the aisle. I know I hurt him deeply, and I will forever regret it. It causes me pain every time I think about it.

I always thought in the back of my mind that I’d renew my vows one day, and have my Dad walk me down the aisle. However, that can never happen now, because he passed away November 30, 2012. I miss him terribly. He and I were alike in many respects and the older I grew, the more I realized it. Christ, I’m tearing up typing this.

Although I’ve had some other really bad stuff happen to me in the course of my life, I don’t think I’d ever redo anything. If my husband (then boyfriend) and I had remained broken up (we broke up for a week once), I would never have had the great kids I have now. They are my absolute pride and joy.

Sure, there is a possibility I would have traveled the world, climbed the mountains I wanted to climb, and done some other things, but somehow, I think “real life” would have interfered in another way, even if I hadn’t met my husband.

I’m basically content with most parts of my life. Yes, my job sucks, but hopefully something will come along and I’ll be happier with that part of my life; but the rest of my life is pretty good, overall.

Well, I’m at work. I suppose I should finish checking my email.

Do-over would be get my BS in agriculture, specifically soil or plant science, instead of film studies. I probably wouldn’t be a liberrian, but I can imagine myself working at an ag extension office.

Favorite b-fast is 3-4 strips of bacon, 2 eggs fried in the bacon fat, and toast with butter. Lots of coffee. My favorite place to eat this would be a manor house in 1930s England, but since time travel doesn’t exist, I’ll be happy to eat it in my dining room.

Happy Monday, all!

The re-set button question - I don’t think I would do it. Yes, there are definitely turning points in my life in which I could have chosen a different path and I have actually debated one of them over and over in my mind for years. I don’t want to do that again. I do wish my family hadn’t moved so often, though. I went to different schools every year from grade 4 to grade 9 and never really had a chance to make friends. To this day, it’s hard for me to make friends.

Now, to favorite breakfast, that would have to be eggs benedict. I don’t get a chance to have it very often and it’s really one of those special, “eat out” breakfasts (I’m not very good at making hollandaise sauce!). I’d love to try the crab version. :slight_smile: YUM!

Ah yes, it’s easier to talk about breakfast. There’s a little restaurant down the road that makes chorizo and eggs with rice and beans that I really like unless I’m in the mood for either pecan or chocolate chip pancakes.

The truth is that between crippling depression, financial ruin, family difficulties, and a devastating loss there’s nothing that I would go back and change. There are (too) many parts of my life that have sucked, however, I can look back and recognize how they’ve prepared me for the life I have now. Even though I am TERRIFIED of job-hunting, I think that I have a pretty great life right now including a wonderful family and an exciting future with a boyfriend that I love and who loves me very much. I can’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be right now.

Speaking of RT, we’re back from our trip and had an awesome time together. Now he’s back at work today and I’m working on this disaster of a house and looking for a job. After spending 3 weeks almost completely in each other’s company, I will surely miss him.

I et such a hyuuuuuuuuuuge meal this mornin’ I don’t want any N.O.L. Unheard of I know. :smiley:

Hmm… breakfast.
I can’t really go past a veggie full english- fried eggs, veggie sausages, beans, toast, fried mushrooms and enough cholesterol to do serious damage.

So far as the other goes, I know the point I’d go to- age 16, just finished my GSCEs, and I wanted to leave my school, and switch to a local college for A level. This was basically because all my friends left, and it was a very cliquey place, plus I wasn’t being allowed to study the subjects I wanted.

My mother threw a wobbly about the idea (it was, theoretically, a Very Good School- it just didn’t work for me), and basically declared that if I switched, I could start paying my own living costs, with no help, which was pretty well impossible for 16-year-old me. So, I reluctantly went back to the same school, and spent two years with pretty much no friends, got pretty depressed, my grades plummeted, and I got involved with a guy who, while a very nice person, really wasn’t a good idea at the time. I spent the time I should have been getting ready for A levels basically sticking to him like glue to stop him from killing himself after the sudden death of his mother shortly after we got together, so messed up all my exams.

I tried to go to university (again, at the insistence of my mother), but it wasn’t the course or place I wanted, and besides, I was trying to carry on a long distance relationship, so I dropped out after one semester. I then moved in with the guy (and his extended dysfunctional family), then spent the next 2.5 years with both of us out of work and getting more and more insular and depressed, until I finally woke up one morning, realised I’d had enough, and moved back in with the parents, and life gradually started back up again.

I often wonder how the parallel universe me is doing, the one who called my mother’s bluff (and in restrospect, she would have caved in- in fact, in retrospect, I should just have told my Dad first), moved to a school I wanted to be in, studied properly, got into the university I wanted to is doing. She probably graduated (I was pretty academic previously) and got involved with a guy there with way less baggage.

She probably wouldn’t have done the two years travelling this version of me did (being very in debt after graduating), and odds on she wouldn’t have got into the circus scene, so wouldn’t have the same friends or hobbies, or live in the same city. Having had a less disasterous first experience, if she wasn’t still with a guy she met at uni, she’d probably have a less wary and frankly messed-up attitude towards relationships (hey, maybe she’d be married with kids!), and with a degree and no big work gaps, she’d quite possibly have had a ‘career’, rather than the random and often silly work history I’ve had.

Or maybe she would have still had the same problems as this me, but with a lot more student debt.

I really have no idea if I’d want to swap with her. Sometimes in the past I would have like a shot- at the moment? Probably not.

Hmm, I’ve been sober for a month now. I hope it’ll hold, seeing as I’m heading into high-partying season for my friends and I…

Favorite breakfast is chocolate with toast soldiers (not a churros fan, which for some reason always makes me feel vaguely traitorous).

A new favorite breakfast to report: Chicken Parmesan, at 2 in da afternoon. First solid thing I’ve had since Saturday.

Scope went well. Nothing abnormal on my side. My sister had one last month, and they found 2 polyps in her.

**BBBobbio **- they scoped your side??? How odd… :stuck_out_tongue:

My do-over would be to major in Mechanical Engineering instead of Aero, and do it to get an education rather than a degree. When I was at Purdue, my goal was to become a Naval officer, and I needed a degree to do that. I achieved that goal, only to discover that I was a terrible officer. But I’m a pretty good engineer, and I think I could have been a really good one if I’d made the effort to learn the material rather an learn how to pass the classes. I’ve done OK for myself, but I think I could have done lots better.

Stoopit Dr appt didn’t happen. Apparently the office had 2 separate schedules and I wasn’t on the one that mattered. The PA I was supposed to see wasn’t working today, and I’d have had to wait to see someone else, making me even later for work. So I left, somewhat pissed off. I haven’t decided if I’m going to bother going back. It was just for a test that wasn’t all that critical - frankly, I didn’t think it was necessary in the first place, but she insisted. Screw it!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Silly boy, they weren’t looking at your side. Good news, at least.

I want to strangle someone at the NC Department of Revenue. Those dadblanged revenooers apparently have a habit of sending courtesy notices disguised as rather frightening looking letters warning of imminent collections, seizures and garnishments. The agent I spoke with agrees they could be a little more friendly.

If anyone was paying attention to football games in the past week or so, there was much hullabaloo here leading up to yesterday’s Panthers-49ers game. I don’t know when the game ended, but we were at Bed Bath & Beyond yesterday afternoon. They had a big display of Panthers stuff near the door. By the time we were done shopping, a bright yellow CLEARANCE sign was on the display. :smack: :eek: :smiley:

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m 3 dimensional, so my bottom most certainly is a side. :stuck_out_tongue:

My fingers got ahead of my head. It was an unwritten reference to my sister and I having colonoscopies in quick succession. We have a long history of issues on my father’s side of the family. All of us have diverticulosis, and my father and grandmother both also dealt with the lil bastiges getting infected.