The Straight Dope On Why We Circumcise Boys

Anybody else concerned that were only hearing Jack’s side of this? I’m wondering what stories his foreskin could tell. I’ve only been listening to Jack for two days and I can only imagine how desperate I’d be to get away after several years. For all we know maybe this circumcision was the foreskin’s idea.

Sounds like a potentially messy divorce. Any word on whether the foreskin will be suing jack for custody of the penis?

::has whole new insights into possible meanings behind Broomstick’s username::


Jack, eh? There seems to be a correlation between people named Jack and having an unhealthy obsession with foreskin (or lack thereof).

BTW, if someone doesn’t believe in god, then how can he hate him?
I don’t hate foreskin. I don’t have a preference between a cut and uncut penis. I find any penis other than mine disgusting. Mind you, mine is no prize or anything. But I’ve gotten used to it, and it doesn’t gross me out or anything. Another man’s… yeah, his would gross me out – whether it was cut or NOT!

I disagree with all your statements.
And I couldn’t possible hate god. That would be like hating the Easter Bunny. So you’re wrong about that too.

I disagree with all your statements.
And I couldn’t possible hate god. That would be like hating the Easter Bunny. So you’re wrong about that too.

Yes i know you dissagree with all my statements because as I have told you a hudnred times already you are in denial with yourself. Thats why you dissagree…In reality you do you actually agree. but you have to tell me that you dissagree in order to try and make me think that you dissagree because you are in denial. But I already know that you do agree because of your ongoing persistence in telling me that you dissagree. If you really dissagreed you would not keep telling me over and over again that you do. Your denial and guilt keep making you tell me over and over again in all your responses. And if you are not a christian you are against God because if you are not a christian you can’t believe in the word of God which is God…therefore if you are not with him you are against him,henceforth you hate him because he also see’s your denial and guilt. However I also keep having to remind you what my letter was about…not god…but lies about circumcision, but because of your denial and guilt you feel it needed to keep changing the topic in your responses along with other responders doing the same thing as you. You do this because you are afraid of the truth that I told. And by changing the topic you bring comfort to yourself. Nothing a liar Fears nothing more than the truth! The truth will set you free. But you are still unable to do that for yourself.

See I already know ahead of time what the responses to my responses will be,because they are always the same…off topic, insulting, rude, attacking, and without end. All of the responses have nothing to do with my letter, but instead they have to do with attacking me and insulting me…which that right there by itself shows that you do agree with me but dont want to admit it because of your denial. If you did not have denial over it…then you would have no reason to insult me and attack me like you do.

:Hugs acsenray: You’re the first poster to refer to me by name!

If you want to quote a previous poster, do it like this with braces instead of parentheses (QUOTE)Whatever you want quoted(/QUOTE)

And these so-called attacks you keep going on about? They fall into two categories.

  1. Honest rebuttals. These are honest (I’m really pretty sure that everyone who disagrees with you is not in denial, one or two maybe, but every one?) rebuttals saying that they are not as you generalize them to be, or just asking you for evidence for your generalizations.
  2. Jokes. The bit about how you masturbate is a joke. These are very frequent here at the SDMB and I think it is all the better for it.

What evidence do you have to support that this is the truth? I could say that pink unicorns live in my backyard, but of course I can’t prove it to you on the computer. Is that the truth?If not, why sould your claim have any more credence than that?

I also don’t fit into your generalization of the uncircumcised male. I have never thought that a circumcised penis would be more attractive. And I would personally like to not have any bits of me chopped off.

Also the, ‘don’t believe in god = hates god’, as Bear_Nenno said, it’s hard to hate something you don’t believe in. (And ‘if you’re not with us, you’re against us’, is total bullshit)

The SDMB is not full of liars. They just need some evidence to believe you. Really, I don’t think the SDMB would be all that great if people here did believe everything said here. If you want people to believe you, you need evidence.
Say it with me. ‘Evidence. Evidence Evidence.’ Nothing you say is any good without evidence.

I am not attacking you. I am not in denial.

I’ll have to rush off and tell all the Jews and Muslims I can find that we actually hate God.

Again, if I hate God why am I carrying the mark of the covenant twixt me and Him on my shvantzik?

You mean that’s what I’ve got to do next? I admit I’m fairly fond of the thing, but I never figured there was any need to obsess over it!


Largely due to the fact that the pink unicorns are invisible.

Which leads me once more to ask a question that has never been answered to my satisfaction.

How can the Invisible Pink Unicorn be simultaneously invisible and pink?

Because it’s been circumcised, of course.

My understanding is that it was lack of sexual stimulation due to the absence of foreskin that caused the Khazars to die out.

That, and an unhealthy obsession with the buttocks of the 42nd American First Lady.


(Someone be sure that tomndebb sees this!)

Okay, so now we have TWO people named Jack who are on a Mission from God to spread the Circumcision Gospel: one who was against circumcision, and now one who is for it. They BOTH consider everyone who disagrees with them to be wrong and motivated (as are all other ills of the world) by their dissatisfaction with their willies.
Shouldn’t this get filed under the “Things you do to ‘even out’ the Universe” thread?

I’m so confused. Perhaps that Tug-Ahoy thing just didn’t work out, and a change of heart ensued?

I mean, I’ve heard the expression “penis ensues”, but I never knew what it meant until now.

Does this mean if they should ever meet the universe vanishes in a collosal explosion?

I would be very angry about that and not happy.

jack321, no-one is addressing what you have to say because you are giving us nothing to debate. This forum is about debates. All you are saying is “this is my experience, everyone feels as I do, if they don’t they are in denial and everyone who says differently is a liar” Just what are we permitted to say in reply to this? It would seem you want our responses limited to either giving you a standing ovation or shutting up. That hardly ever happens in this forum.

All anyone has asked of you is that you supply some facts rather than opinions to back up your argument. “It’s true because I say it’s true” isn’t good enough.

And constantly dismissing every reply you don’t like as the result of denial, lies or irrational anger is a extremely irritating debating technique that isn’t going to convince anyone of your arguments.

I was going to reply to point out that as I was circumcised at age 23 for medical reasons, I have no problem in remembering what my penis looked like before and, it has to be said, it looks like it’s been rolled back, albeit without a tiny extra bit of skin.

I can only assume that you were originally blessed with a foreskin roughly equivalent to a double duvet, hence your evident fixation with the need to justify its loss.

In other words, meh! It’s a bit of skin that sometimes, painfully, gets in the way and needs to be removed.

Lies! All lies. I’m a woman, and I don’t give much thought to the girls. Nor do I care particularly how they look. However, ask any man in this or any other forum, and he’ll tell you how many boobs he’s looked at, enjoyed the look of, and cared about how those boobs looked, and in great detail. Men love boobs. In fact, I’m pretty sure Mr. Snicks cares a great deal more about how my boobs look than I do.

Wow - shades of JDT indeed. He’s even named Jack!

Most mohels just go into it for the money anyway. While the pay’s not great, they get a lot of tips.

Ah…Finaly I can use your own point to respond to a response… You say that people don’t have to think that a circumcsied penis looks better than an uncircumcsied one,well that is true I never said you did. And some women have poste that they don’r care what a dick looks likes and they dont really interest them at all…

Well I guess I am right in saying then that boobs… no big deal. I honestly don’t care how big or small a womans boobs are, Heck I dont even really care if they even have any as long as there is at least a niple :smiley: …I dont really find boobs an attractive part of the female body and never really have. So I guess we are even on this one. I admit it’s perfectly fine for a woman not to be attracted to a man’s penis …if that is how she feels. I find it odd…but then again readers of this might find it odd that I dont really care about boobs… And yes I am straight, I have just never really found boobs to be attractive.

How do you know you’re not just in denial?

I couldn’t imagine the soreness having an unprotected knob scraping around my boxers all day. Yowsers, you can’t tell me there’s no loss of sensitivity.

Oh OK, I just hate my todger…

“See the foreskin? It’s no good.”