What do you do with it? -TMI

Ever hear of unscented? My husband doesn’t smell like a baby at all.

Unscented wipe, soap and water. He smells clean. And very attractive!

I think so. Seriously. Everyone’ll be a little embarrassed for a few minutes, but I mean, come on, it’s natural and every 13-year-old boy does it (masturbation, I mean–although sex is natural too, and some 13-year-olds partake in that as well). It’ll do wonders for his psychology to know that it’s accepted. He’ll probably be less likely to let porno take over his life, as well (although that probably happens to every guy some time in their life). Also, you’ll be the coolest parents on the block if he tells all his friends at school he got a Playboy and a pack of terry-cloth towels for his 13th birthday. :slight_smile:

As far as my own hygeine goes, I keep a few boxes of tissues between my computer and my bed (I’m in a dorm, so they’re necessarily right next to each other) and within reach from both, since both are popular spots. Tissues go in the trash. Doesn’t stink up the room or anything. If my roommate’s in (the room, I mean) and the bathroom’s empty, I’ll go in there and just sit on a toilet. No width issues there. My last GF used tissues after sex, and my FWB (friend with benefits) before that just ran to the bathroom right after. The FWB before that, I always used condoms with, since she wasn’t on the BC patch like the last two. My roommate uses tissues and deposits them in a Lay’s Stax container on his computer desk. Found that out when I was looking for chips one day :eek: Thankfully I looked in the container before I reached in for a chip.

As far as breakage goes, that used to happen to me a lot. I just used two tissues at a time. Now, I find that if you buy good enough tissues you really only need one and it doesn’t break. Kleenex has a kind of tissue out that’s really soft and pretty strong–feels nice and holds up well. I’m on my second box and it hasn’t disappointed yet.

It’s double wrapped, so if and when a smell occurs, it’ll be trapped until garbage day.

Howard Hughes, is that you?

Well, thank you, fetus, we do try to be cool about these things. I don’t think we’ll be giving him Playboy, though. At 13, I’d be weirded out if my folks gave me nudie-mags. If he’s interested, he can snoop around the house and find them on his own. Besides, the thrill of the hunt and fear of discovery make it even better, IMHO.

I totally agree with that. There should be a separation between the sexual life of kids and parents… it’s only natural and less yucky.
Besides, kids these days with their easy access to porn.
Where was the internet when I really needed it? :mad:


Hey, that is the first time I’ve seen that song outside my dorm. (It was our unofficial fight song - the smash it, bash it part) and I published it in our dorm magazine.

This was from 1969 at MIT, and it was old then. Where did you see it?

Good point.

And yeah, you’re absolutely right about the thrill of the hunt and the fear of discovery.

Another note about using one tissue, btw: you can apply the reservoir-tip principle that keeps latex from breaking, to tissue to keep it from breaking. This shouldn’t be difficult to conceptualize.

I catch it in my hand… and eat it fresh. Is that TMI enough for you? It’s good stuff and I don’t want it to go to waste.

If any guy here reacts to this with a grossout, you’d better not be one of those guys who posts to threads saying you want your girlfriend to swallow.

I was wondering if anyone was going to mention eating it. Strikes me as an efficient method of disposal.

Heh. She said load. Heh.

Disposal? Personally, I shoot for distance, and once a month, I wash the ceiling.

Would I happen to be the only one who uses a sock?
Its quite simple, and nobody goes around smelling your socks.

I now have a very interesting mental image of Maastricht. :stuck_out_tongue:


And what practical problem, pray, does sharing that image solve?

I have no disposal problems of my own, but sex tends to call for some tissue paper and gymnastics, plus 10 mins sitting on the toilet doing kegels.

ParentalAdvisory, starting a thread based on a perviously closed thread that was beyond the TMI limits of MPSIMS is not a good idea.

Cajun Man
for the SDMB