The new secret thread. PM me your secret

Send me a PM with your secret and I’ll post it here, without your name.
I will delete the message and never reveal who said what.
Zebra the Confessor is now open.

Our first secret.
I am gullible enough to trust an anonymous poster named Zebra to protect this secret.

PM me with your secret of who sent this… I’m dying to know.

I am not a cartoon horse.


Baba Looey says otherwise… but don’t worry, your secret is safe with us.

I’m the one who hollowed out a large marshmallow, put pepper in it, refilled the core, and let my sister eat it.

It’s been over forty years. Maybe I should tell her, but I don’t want to die just yet.

Zebra was a Doper for the FBI!

I have told everyone that I quit my job to return to college. I actually worked in a highly regulated industry in a safety sensitive position. I was chosen at random to take a drug/alcohol test and tested .022 bac. fired on the spot in the midst of the worst economy since the Great Depression.

In my defense, I worked the late shift and had to work late due to operational issues, and got home at 2:30 am. I was wound up because it was a particularly bad shift, so I had two (big) glasses of Chardonnay. I had to go into the office early the next day to interview candidates for a management opening and got the paperwork for the pee test as I hung up my jacket.

A 12 year career shot to hell over two glasses of wine…

On the plus side, my husband’s income and my savings makes School a possibility I could have never realized before and I’m doing so much better grades wise than I would ever done, had I went to school when I was 18 or 19. I did find my silver lining…

[deleted a bit that may identify doper]My secret was that my progeny had been promoted to ‘Publisher’ of a major international publishing house, whom everyone has heard of. (This being such a literate group I have always been reticent to gush, for fear some may actually be able to identify my child. Don’t want that!)

So my update is that a promotion from ‘Publisher’ to ‘President’ has occurred, and I’m pretty near burstin’ to gush, to my doper friends about this outstanding career accomplishment. Even though I don’t want to reveal too much, if you take my point.

I rely on your discretion.

but I am too dull to have a secret!

unless you count a vicious coffee addiction (goes back to slurping pot #4)

[Zebra]I won’t even tell who made sent the lame jokes.[/Zebra]

Wow, great secrets! Congratulations to the parent of the big-time publisher, and my sympathy to [del]closet alcoholic[/del] unfairly fired Doper! I joke, but I can totally understand the latter. I hate no-tolerance policies in general and I double-hate employment drug testing. I can understand that regulations are necessary and it’s hard to write nuance into the rules, and yeah, you knew the rules, blah blah blah. I still think it’s none of your employer’s concern unless they could tell from observing you that you’d been drinking or it impacted your performance (both extremely unlikely at .022 bac). If you were getting ready to fly an airliner, sure, but not for doing interviews!

Gee, Zebra. This would be easier if I hadn’t met you in person before.

Honestly I don’t even know who sent these. I just copy, paste, and delete. Unless you’re admitting that you want to have an affair with me, which I would surely brag about on every internet message board, your secret will be completely safe with me.

Tom Cruise did indeed have a long term Gay affair with at least one guy.
And yes, I can tell you there is ample proof and verification - but posting any more would ruin all kinds of promises I made to keep this info private, and even vaguely discussing the source of the info would eventually come back to haunt me. The people involved would know exactly who blabbed.
So yeah, go ahead and say it is just a rumor, but it isn’t.
Besides, I think most people have probably figured it out already anyhow - and would rightly say, “who cares?”

I know my wife has had several affairs but don’t say anything about it.

I’m a married woman with children. I’ve been carrying on an affair for over seven years. Guy is married, has children, lives 1700 miles away. We see each other 6-12 times a year, depending on locations and schedules. Neither of us wants to give each other up, neither of us wants to destroy marriages, traumatize kids.

I’m open for questions.

[zebra] if you are really secretive, you can email me from an anonymous email account. zebrazebra123 @ hotmail just take out the spaces and add the dot com.

My friend Agnes and I stole candy bars from Shure’s Drug Store some time back when candy bars cost a nickel. We ate them behind the big evergreen in front of her house. My Baby Ruth didn’t taste very good, and I felt doubly guilty some years later when Shure’s went out of business. I’m so ashamed.

Go into the area that has only two green statue looking guys that come to life when you hit them. Kill the 2nd one to reveal a staircase. Go down the stairs and the Moblin there will tell you, “It’s a secret to everybody”, then he’ll just give you 10 rupees!


I raped my wife. We were just dating at the time. She tried to push me off but was too drunk to fight back. Hearing her say “No, No, Don’t” was hot all 3 times

My parents named my first BM “Sluggo.”

I am married man of 18 years with 4 kids. When I was 40 I had an 8 month affair with a woman who was 18 years older than me. She lived an hour away out of state. She lived alone. I would see her about every 3 or 4 weeks at her place and we would have the most incredible sex. It started out as we both just had a need to be fulfilled, but it quickly snowballed into something bigger. We both bared our souls to each other, but after 8 months, I knew I had a choice to make… Leave my wife and family (and my job and friends too) for this woman, with whom I had what I would call a spiritual connection with, who was also 18 years my senior, or cut it off then and there and reassess what I really wanted out of life. I chose the latter and never looked back. I never told anyone involved in my life and never intend to.

Years ago one of my closest friends stopped talking to me and refused to tell me why. I was devastated. A couple years after the initial falling out, one of his friends asked me what happened between us. In the course of my response, I blurted to this virtual stranger my former friend’s biggest secret - that he had been sexually abused as a child. Until that moment, I was the only one on the planet who knew. I was so angry at him, so young and narcissistic, so mentally fucked, I didn’t care about the consequences at the time. His friends tell me that he has never been the same since we parted ways. Nobody knows the real reason why he hates me. It’s the worst thing I’ve ever done and the only regret I have ever had.

[zebra]People are going to think I’m a real jerk.[/zebra]

I haven’t been able to have intercourse with my husband for years. It is extremely painful for me. I haven’t lived in one place long enough to get a proper medical opinion. We still pleasure each other in other ways, and he says it’s okay and not my fault, but I feel like a complete failure as a wife, like if I could just tough it out, or try harder, I should be able to fix it. We’ve talked about children, but I don’t even know if it’s possible. I am really ashamed of this, and I think he is the only person who would ever tolerate something like this in a marriage and be kind enough to still love me.

wow. A lurker comes up with an idea to torpedo a few posters. Nothing about this seems like total BS…

What lurker? The guy with 18k posts or someone else?