PlainJain and others: stop this disingenuous shit

Come on. Everyone whose been to high school knows that “surrounded herself with drama” is just something you say about people you hate. It’s blaming someone for how other people react to them. It makes no fucking sense as a statement about the person. It’s a code word for “I didn’t like this person.”

Stop pretending you are some dispassionate observer. If you were, your word choice would have been different. I don’t know why so many of you guys seem to think you are fooling anyone.

If you were really just trying to share information, there would be no reason to bring it up, seeing as every thread about her mentions this, and, as you say, her posts still exist and people can make their own decisions.

Do you guys not get it? She died from the same thing that caused her to be a “drama queen.” She had a mental disorder that made her think differently than you, and someone thinking differently than you pisses you the fuck off. That’s why there was “drama.”

I know no one else will come out and say it, so I will. OpalCat committed suicide due to having a depressive episode of her bipolar disorder. She was energetic and didn’t care about the consequences of her actions because she was having a manic episode of her bipolar disorder. She may or may not have become a drug addict, but that was because she was trying to deal with the torture her bipolar disorder.

She was not vindictive. She didn’t actively hurt people. She just annoyed you. And you are self-centered enough to hate her for it.

Worse, you are hating someone for something they can’t control. Even worse, you are continuing to hate her after she is dead, when there is no one to warn. Your hatred serves no legitimate purpose but to make you feel better about yourself. Stop it.

And I know the vast majority of you did move on. You did see that your petty squabbles with her were just that, in comparison to her very real problems. Give yourselves a pat on the back–this thread is not about you. I’m just tired of people pretending to be decent while sneaking in pointed jabs even at the actual deceased.

Is this a Pit thread to shout at Plainjain, or a pit thread where people talk about Opal, I’m not really sure after reading the OP?

Probably not. Thank you for posting a “clarification” that does as much harm as the behavior you’re complaining about.

BigT is right. OpalCat was only a drama queen because she had a mental condition that made her be dramatic. Also, she was never dramatic, everyone made that up because they didn’t like her. And PlainJane is a bad person because she didn’t like OpalCat. Not liking people is very self-centered. I hate people who do that.

It’s about time someone said what we were all thinking. Or would have been thinking, if we had spent the better part of the day huffing glue.

No comment on Opal, specifically, but I thought “surrounded herself with drama” was generally code for “was the source of a lot of drama.” There’s nothing wrong with thinking that if a whole lot of people react in a particular way to you, then you might be doing something to cause that reaction. Put another way: it might be significant that the common element in all of your problems is you.

Not according to her mother, who probably knows a wee bit more about it than you do.

Somebody say the catchphrase, dammit, or by God I’ll have to!

Yeah, from what her mother said, I suspect an accidental overdose.


Shut up, VinylTard.


Well, somebody enjoys drama.

You monster! That’s just code for “I don’t like BigT.”

Shut up, BigTard.

There, I saved you from having to do it. Although AClockworkMelon had a better response, while avoiding the catchphrase. We bow before his immense awesomhood.

Is there anything that isn’t a code for “I don’t like BigT?”

Ironically enough, if BigT were to pass away unexpectedly, everyone would assume he committed suicide even if he didn’t.

Wow, white knighting for a dead person? That’s a whole new level for you, BigTard.

Not me. My money’s on homicide.

According to BigT mental illness = get out of jail free card.

Oh horseshit you sanctimonious little taint-sniffer.

Being dead doesn’t make Opal any more of a fucking saint than tugging your shrivelled, bright red raw micropenis repeatedly to Miss Manners and Emily Post books makes you an expert on societal norms and correct social behaviour.

Opal was a fucking drama whore. The fact that she’s dead doesn’t change that. She loved and thrived on the drama about herself. Look at the bullshit that SHE HERSELF kept dragging onto the boards when her “private” folder of cocksucking pictures was “hacked” by people backspacing too far. She didn’t need to bring that into this forum, she could have just locked down the pictures quietly and not made a big deal about it, but no. There we have at least two threads started by the the star of the knob-gobbling show herself, bringing it up when very few people on this board were even aware there was a “problem”.

Which was a repeated pattern of behaviour for her. From the “buckeyes” incident to the “Leather books are just like having holocaust-victim lampshades” thread to the repeated “How can I do x” threads where every. Single. Answer was met with “No, that won’t work for me because [list of frankly retarded limitations, that she should have put into the OP if they were really that important that they couldn’t be overcome]”

So yes. She did like to surround herself in drama. The same way you like to surround youself in the stink of sanctimony, spraying ropes of self-righteous jizz all over the bottom of your keyboard tray as you once more lean back in your sweat and sadness-soaked computer chair, congratulating yourself with clammy palm pats for Having Shown Those Bullies On The Internet What For.

…and, scene.