Parents do you make peanut butter sandwiches for your kids? What kind?

Peanut butter sandwiches were a huge staple for Baby Boomer kids and kids in the 70’s. I carried a peanut butter and banana or pb & jelly sandwich to school every day in my lunchbox. I still love them and have one a couple times a month for lunch.

We sent our daughters to school in the 90’s with pb sandwiches too.

Remember the fluffernutter? I loved those when I was a kid. They are too sweet for me now.

I didn’t want to confuse the poll with the two varieties of peanut butter and banana sandwiches.

1 Slice the banana into rings and place on top of the peanut butter.
2 Use a fork to mash the banana and peanut butter in a bowl and spread on the bread.

I like mine mashed up. Its juicier and less sticky in my mouth.

Bananas that are a few days old and brown spotted make the best tasting sandwiches. A great way to use them up before they go bad.

Peanut butter and honey.

I forgot about Peanut butter and honey. That should have been in the poll too. :smack: Its too late now.

I usually mix Peanut butter and honey and spread on graham crackers. But I bet it makes a good sandwich too.

My wife did insist on using the Jif low salt, no added sugar peanut butter for the kids sandwiches.

It tastes just as good and is healthier. I prefer it now. Regular pb seems too salty.

Its reassuring our childhood diets were actually beneficial. A daily pb sandwich is a bit extreme, but a couple times a week seems fine.

Our almost-four-year-old’s favorite lunch…and he’s had deep exposure to many world cuisines (Malaysia, Mexico…).

I have made my son fluffernutters, but infrequently enough that selecting it the poll felt incorrect.

He’d eat peanut butter and bacon ever day if I’d let him.

He’ll eat PB & grape jelly, but some years ago developed a preference for apple jelly. I only had it in the house initially because it’s used as a glaze in a dessert recipe I make once in a while. No berry varieties, please.

There was a time when he was not permitted to take peanut butter in his school lunch due to other students’ allergies.

Your son has discerning taste. :smiley: I’ve always preferred PB & apple jelly sandwiches. I’ll eat one with grape or even strawberry. We try to keep a jar of cheap store brand apple jelly for our sandwiches.

No kids, so didn’t vote, but this is the only peanut butter sandwich that tastes better on toasted white bread.

He doesn’t like peanut butter sandwiches any more, but it used to be just peanut butter on bread.

We only have the old fashioned kind of peanut butter (peanuts, salt) and I think my husband is the only one who make sandwiches. I just eat it out of the jar with a spoon or sometimes dip apple slices in it.

At home they get peanut butter or almond butter (or mean-Mummy peanut and cocoa spread which looks like Nutella but is nothing like as good); at kinder they can’t bring food with nuts so 4 yr old gets pepita spread (pumpkin seed spread).

I’d happily eat PB&J every day, and my little dude likes them too. Banana is definitely a worthy substitution. Neither of us likes honey on peanut butter, and I refuse to have marshmallow fluff in the house so no fluffernutters.

Peanut butter and molasses on toast.

Don’t have kids, but PB with thin-sliced apple is a decent alternative option.

My kid just didn’t like peanut butter, so I never made sandwiches for her.

Jelly? Blech

Only I do jams and preserves.

Disagree. If it’s not a PBJ (with boysenberry jam), I toast the bread. Don’t care for plain PB sandwiches, but the added flavor and texture of toasting makes them yummy.

Another one for peanut butter and honey- often with raisins added. And peanut butter with marmalade. Now, he won’t touch a peanut butter sandwich, but my husband and I love it.

peanut butter and butter sandwiches on toast are also popular.