1,593,500 total posts

Come on everybody we gotta get the post count up to 2 mil at least by 2002. Just 406,500 posts to go. Divided equaly among all of the 18,114 registered users, that’s only (406,500/18,114)/85 days) = 1/4 posts per day.

Alright, i met my quota, see you people Friday!

Ummm, why?

Cecil’s working on commision.

Taking care of four people right now…:slight_smile:

I am not going to reply to this thread just for the sake of adding another post.

I believe I’ve already done my share.

We really should just rename this post to Post Anything Here to Pad your Post Count!! Look at the irony.

(Okay, I’ve posted twice here now and I vow not to do it anymore.)

I just want to point out that this could really get out of hand…

[Graham Chapman]
I want to point out that there is NO blatant post counting going on at all in the SDMB Royal Navy. And when I say “none at all,” I mean that there is a certain amount.
[/Graham Chapman]

I wonder if anybody ever tried to post to each and every open thread there was, no matter of the date. That might get you over 50,000 posts but man you would be sooo tired.

On second thought that might not be such a good idea I mean think of all the brain power you’d have to waste to make ok posts so you can avoid the 3 or 4 pit threads that would be started in response to this blitz. In fact it might get you banned unless you were really really smart.


Then perhaps if you put a typo in each and every post so you have to come right back in and correct it. I mean how many doopers are smart enough to really know what you meant to say. Not many I imagine.

oops, I meant to say dopers.


ok I’ve done my part.

too late

(doing this post for crazy_nut and two other dopers too… :D)

What is this obsession with post count?
I’ve seen several people posting about their post count.
What is the point?
I just don’t understand and I would appreciate an explanation.


gives you an excuse to post meaningless stuff :smiley:

[sub]I have more posts than yooooooou doooooo, i have more posts than yoooooo dooooooooo…[/sub]

Maybe someone should add post ratings for quality instead of straight post counts. Everyone can rate everyone else’s post from 1-10 and that could be multiplied by the post count for an overall poster rating. That might help.

Hmm . . .

Scroll down, damnit. I can’t remember how to link to a post.
