SDMB can't count!

Not that I want to trivialise my last post I meant every word) but I have just noticed that 4 posts I have made today are all “post number 38”. Whats up with that? Am I stuck 38 posts forever? WEIRD!

Oh yeah the Pit isn’t the place for a question…ok bugger bugger fuck fuck WHY?

Oh yes and I don’t deserve a count of past 38 till I can figure out how to make a proper link… I know this.

Now you’re at #39.

Sometimes the hamsters get a little tired from running on the wheel, and forget to bump up the counter a notch every time someone drops some knowledge on the SDMB.

Post counts aren’t really that big of a deal. At least, I don’t consider them to be a big deal.

Wait, are you expecting each post to have its place in the history of your posts recorded? Or are you noticing that the post count listed by your name wasn’t reflecting your total number of posts?

Just out of curiosity were you looking at several different posts of your own when you noticed this? The reason I ask is because the number under your user name lists the total number of posts you’ve ever made on the board. Every time you post this number goes up on every post you’ve ever done. So in other words, if you were to look at your first post ever right now it would list 41 posts under your name.

YAYYYYYY I just made another post and I’m now at 41. I take back my whingeing. It’s not like I said anything worth saying I just wanted to be counted …sob sob, boo hoo. I just lurked for a very long time and when I finally plucked up the brave I want it Godamned counted…yeah yeah I know I should learn grammar first. :slight_smile:

thank you Atreyu

O.K …I admit it, I’m daft…but I was looking at the thread and thinking “how come it still says 38, 4 posts later”. 38 posts! This would indicate I don’t know my arse from my elbow. I fully acknowledge this.

Are you sure that calling yourself Calm Kiwi isn’t some sort of breach of trade descriptions?

How about “Easily irritated Kiwi”?

No, I’m serene Mr Kumquat…but please just let me count! If I was calling myself Calm-Kiwifruit-Export-Quality…then maybe, just maybe you would have a point. But I’m not unruffled yet and never have been a fruit (Kumquats are yummmmmmm btw) I was just curious. Ok so I was curious and miffed. Some of us find posting hard!..when we do it should count! (even if it is shit)

Still Calm, still smiling, still loving SDMB, Kiwi

Maybe you’re finding posting a little hard, calm kiwi – but to start a Pit thread about your postcount? Man, that’s gutsy! Bravo, my fellow NZer.


LMAO …yep brave but ohhhhhhh so daft!. But you know how us Kiwis hate to be ripped off (the people! NOT the fruit!)

Actually, I think calm kiwi posted in the right forum:

The BBQ Pit
If you gotta flame, do it here. This is the place for all complaints and other discussion regarding administration of the SDMB

Why thank you. Now where is the forum for “ooooooops my complaint is no longer valid”. I have been validated as a human (ohhhhhh I’m like the elephant man …“I am a man”…cept I’m a female)

I know this was a dumb rant . But it bothered me that 4 posts in a row were “38” . I felt fruit discrimination. That’s just wrong, wrong, wrong.

I am now a happy newbie again knowing my “fruitiness” didn’t stop my post count from growing. I promise to wither on the vine after that . Maybe.

Who said it was in the wrong forum? I just said it’s gutsy posting a bleat about postcount and such, is all.

It wasn’t a “dumb rant”, calm kiwi. And you’d better not do any "withering on th’ vine – there ain’t enough of us Kiwis on this here board as it is! Good on you! :slight_smile:

Two incorrect statements here, I’m afraid.

Firstly, post counts are a big deal, so big in fact that…

…Secondly, the hamsters have nothing to do with it - I have devised a cunning scheme exploiting processor rounding errors that credits other people’s posts to my post count, it’s true - I confess. In my defence I come from a broken home.

You can have some of mine, Calm Kiwi. :wink:

*ONE]/i] calm kiwi! One!


Gee, calm kiwi, I do admire you for starting a thread about your post count. I havent’… oh wait… but those weren’t Pit threads. one or two might have led to Pit threads, but that’s another story altogether


Calm Kiwi? Serene Kumquat?



Lol I thought the same thing the first few times I posted. I finally realized that all my posts get updated, looks like you just did as well.

Welcome to the boards!

Hey there, calm kiwi. woolly gave you an invitation here in the Sydney Fires thread.

Would certainly like to see you around the G’Dope board sometime. (We know the diff between the people and the commercially-marketed fruit product there.)