$100 Crocs?

I was looking for something and came across the site StockX. Just browsing around I came upon a pair of Crocs selling for $120. Curious, I typed “crocs” into the search bar and came up with this.

There are Crocs listed on there for a “lowest ask” of $299!!! (and if you click on an item then go to the “View sales” it appears people are actually paying these prices)

Am I misremembering or did these things used to be $10?

Granted, those are not plain-jane Crocs, and I suppose it’s no surprise that an item as polarizing and popular as Crocs would eventually develop a collector’s market, but still. Looking on amazon I see brand new, plain ones retail for an average of about $45-50.

I can’t help but wonder if someone would buy them just to say “I spent $100 on these!” Or if there’s a mindset of “If it costs more, it must be better!” I know my husband can be that way about some things. Drives me crazy!

I love Crocs. But that’s insane.
Apparently the kids are all wearing the again.
So there will be many sold for Christmas gifts.
I’m glad I have ??? (Many) pair. I am a stocker-upper.
No, no I am not a hoarder. I swear.

Well except for hoarding stray mammals that show up at her door.

Yeah, priced do inflate over time.

And I can remember when gas was 39.9 cents a gallon.

I’ve enjoyed a few $100 hamburgers in the last few years, although I can’t afford that any more. Yeah, even those actually cost more than $100 these days.

Best of the Best $100 Hamburgers

I remember gas at 25¢.

17.9 cents here, in Orchard Park, NY. That’s outside of Buffalo where the Bills play (unless someone built them a new stadium)