12/8 Simpsons Narration Joke

We watched it last night and found it hilarious in that they did a take-off on THE most annoying thing: The fact that pbs shows have a narrator who talks everything the characters do or move.
We hate it(me and my son).
I am glad they did a spoof on it and I wish it would quit on pbs. What? Is it for blind children watching?

I missed it but did you have the SAP on your TV instead? They have a service in which the the actions are in fact described for the blind. I believe the Simpsons on fox has this feature in which case you may want to check your TV. That would also explain you PBS situation. By they way do you have an inordinate amout of Spanish channels as well?

I don’t know what SAP is, but we a;lso watched King Of the Hill and it wasn’t on that show.
The SImpsons were parodying it, and rightfully so.

Vanilla, that happens with my tv as well. It comes on for Simpsons, turns off for King of the Hill, and comes back on for Malcolm. I turn on the VCR and it somehow kicks off the voice over.

It wasn’t a parody. You were listening to the real thing.

Thread title changed to reflect content.

Please be a bit more specific…don’t title a thread “Shakespeare” when your aim is to debate whether Cobweb or Mustardseed was the cooler fairy in A Midsummer Night’s Dream.

Enderw, but at the beginning of the show, they mentioned pbs.
I wonder now…we thought it was intentional.
ANd HOW can I shut it off?(my son messes with the controls sometimes)

Did I miss something last night? I got a repeat of Treehouse of horror 13. Is this what everyone else get or did I get ripped?

Your remote probably has a “menu” function that shows up on the TV screen. Scroll around untill your find “SAP = On” (or equivalent) and turn it off.

Just a guess based on my TV.

Edward The Head, you’re not the only one; we got TOH13 here in Atlanta. Immediately before the show, the Fox announcer claimed it was an all-new episode – of course, this is the same network that broadcasts crap like Alien Autopsy and Joe Millionaire, so integrity isn’t their strong suit.

Thanks Ed I thought I missed something last night. I too had the Treehouse episode. So, was there an actual voice over or did vanilla’s kid hit a button?:confused:

I get Fox NY - WNYW. I did see a promo at 7:30 that said “All new Simpsons in 30” - the ep was the Halloween show (first aired early November).

There is a SAP (Second Audio Program) feature called ‘Sight for the blind’ which has someone describing the scene and poses. It works best with “Masterpiece Theatre” and other such PBS dramas (the only channels I’ve seen/heard it). I’d be suprised if it were used on a network - with all the quick scene changes. Usually, as on “The Simpsons”, the SAP is Espanol.

That happened to be too. “All new episode!” But in L.A. it was the treehouse ep.

Good I’m glad I wasn’t the only one getting ripped. :smiley: I ended up watching Peanuts instead.

I get WNYW on Dish Network and KTTV out of Los Angeles and they both had the repeat.

I did the same thing here in Chicago, my friend :slight_smile:

WTF??? I got a rerun of the stupid halloween episode. I just turned to Charlie Brown instead.

Simpsons SAP praise via TVBarn

If you have trouble finding the SAP feature on your TV/VCR, let us know the model.

It seems to me that, in North America, PBS was the only major broadcaster who made regular use of the SAP channel until pretty recently.

What the hell is with Simpsons episode numbers? At first, TOH13 threw me off, because it was somewhat descriptive. How the hell am I supposed to infer what the blazes “DABF18” signifies? Why not “S14E4”? I assume the numbers refer to the production schedule rather than the air-dates, since the numeral portion makes sense but is out of order, and the alphabetic parts drift over the season boundaries. I hate having to look up every episode that floats by to see if it might be a new episode. Drives me nuts.


The alt.tv.simpsons List of Inquiries and Substantive Answers (LISA)'s explanation of the simpsons production codes

Thank you, SC_Wolf!

Ah, now things begin to make sense- James L. Brooks is a loon.


Heh. I used to play Bottom. :wink: