150 Jack Chick Tracts: the weirdly appropriate gift thread.

So my best (but totally insane*, apparently) friend, in addition to giving me a great Christmas/Hannukah gift continued our tradition of giving a weird stocking stuffer as well. Each year we try to top each other with a small gift (under $15 or so) that’s A) weird, but B) appropriate and appreciated. Sort of.

And he won for all time.

He got (from eBay, I presume) a box of something like 100+ Jack Chick tracts. Bunches of 'em are out of print (like Dark Dungeons). I haven’t found the vile Where’s Rabbi Weiss? yet, but it’ll be interesting to see if it has the “Hell” sequence that’s deleted from the on-line version.

All-in-all a great gift. He handed 'em to me saying “I’ve read those Jack Chick things you did on the Straight Dope Board. Have at it.”

I’m paralyzed from an embarassement of riches. I’m not writing 100+ “The Jack Chick of…” parodies. I’m just not. But something this good begs to be abused.

I’ll think of something (heh-heh-heh) but in the meantime, are he and I the only people who try to go out of their way to give weird (yet appropriate) gifts for friends?

What was the weirdest (yet appropriate) gift you ever gave? Got?


*But in a good way

Fenris, you evil genius, you. I await the fruits of your creative labor with great anticipation. :smiley:


::: recalls with horror the phone call from a mutual friend that said Fenris wanted my RL address “because he has some books he thinks you’d like” :::


That’s the perfect present for you! What a great friend.

Incidentally, it’s Rabbi Waxman.

Whats a jack Chick tract?

Call me dumb, but I am fairly new.

And it looks like you can buy it here. From the ELE in Australia, of all places.

Does include the one with the Catholic priest describing the tunnel between the monastary and the abby which is lined with all the aborted babies? I so want to see that one!

Oh and Flowerchild this is a Chick tract. It’s not one of his better ones, but you can find more if you so desire.

MsR: Thanks, and check The Pit soon. The first one I grabbed was a “Must do”. (The Silent Gospel: it’s a picturebook for slopebrowed savages)

Poly: No, trust me. What I sent was something you’ll like. :smiley:

Francesca: You’re right, it is “Waxman” . Truefact, though. Did you know that there was a real Rabbi Waxman that Chick hated? See here for a eulogy about him. Apparently he was a pretty good guy, and the fact that he was real makes Chick’s tract all the more vile.

And that Aussie site’s pack isn’t what I got. I got tons more than are listed plus some cool foreign language ones.

Tuckerfan: I haven’t even started sorting 'em yet. I’ll let you know if it does.


So chick tracts are those little Christian comic Books?God I used to have a collection of those to laugh at.

<Dr. Frank N. Furter>
I see you shiver…with antici…


Fear not, my pet! Your long wait is over! See here for what you seek!



I’m still a big fan of Frank Zappa, so my brother Lawoot once gave me a license plate holder which says


I think this qualifies.

Ah, Flowerchild, you’re going to fit in here with us “crazy” Dopers, just fine! :cool: