Somebody handed me a Chick Tract

It was the one that asked whether Catholics are true Christians. I was handed it at the Blueberry Festival in Machias, Maine over the weekend while on vacation.

Some older-looking folks were handing them out in front of the town’s Baptist Church. I took it, thanked the gentleman who was passing them out and attempted to engage him in a bit of debate:

Me: So, basically what you’re saying is that, as a Catholic, I’ve been worshipping The Great Satan all along, huh?

He: You must bring Jesus into your life and acknowledge Him as your savior.

Me: I thought I pretty much did that already…

He: <Blank stare>

Me: I did mention that I’m a Catholic, right?

He: Yes, you did.

Me: Lemme guess. You didn’t think you’d end up handing one of these things to an actual Catholic, huh?

He: Well…

Me: You know this Jack Chick guy is ridiculed by pretty much anyone with a brain in his head, right?

He: <Turns to ignore me. Continues passing out tracts.>

Me: <Walks over to nearest garbage can. Deposits Chick Tract.>
There have been times when I thought to myself that I would kick the ass of anyone stupid enough to actually hand one of these things to me (unless it was in jest). Now that I’m older and calmer, I think that maybe the correct response would be to develop an “Anti-Chick Tract.” Now that I know these are things that actually get handed out, perhaps we should pull together a small compendium of the best Chick threads from the SDMB, publish them in booklet form, and pass them out at events where Chick followers hang out.

Good idea? Bad idea?

Do a little searching around here. You’ll find some excellent parodies. The Jack Chick of Homosexuality being one of the most shining examples of doper brilliance ever IMHO.

And there was the Cthulhu tract as well. Perfect parody of the Chick drawing style.

I’m feeling all gifty and helpful today so, here’s Cthulhu!