It was the one that asked whether Catholics are true Christians. I was handed it at the Blueberry Festival in Machias, Maine over the weekend while on vacation.
Some older-looking folks were handing them out in front of the town’s Baptist Church. I took it, thanked the gentleman who was passing them out and attempted to engage him in a bit of debate:
Me: So, basically what you’re saying is that, as a Catholic, I’ve been worshipping The Great Satan all along, huh?
He: You must bring Jesus into your life and acknowledge Him as your savior.
Me: I thought I pretty much did that already…
He: <Blank stare>
Me: I did mention that I’m a Catholic, right?
He: Yes, you did.
Me: Lemme guess. You didn’t think you’d end up handing one of these things to an actual Catholic, huh?
He: Well…
Me: You know this Jack Chick guy is ridiculed by pretty much anyone with a brain in his head, right?
He: <Turns to ignore me. Continues passing out tracts.>
Me: <Walks over to nearest garbage can. Deposits Chick Tract.>
There have been times when I thought to myself that I would kick the ass of anyone stupid enough to actually hand one of these things to me (unless it was in jest). Now that I’m older and calmer, I think that maybe the correct response would be to develop an “Anti-Chick Tract.” Now that I know these are things that actually get handed out, perhaps we should pull together a small compendium of the best Chick threads from the SDMB, publish them in booklet form, and pass them out at events where Chick followers hang out.
Good idea? Bad idea?