168 year old English Paper closed by Rupert Murdoch

168 year old English Paper closed by Rupert Murdoch. News of the World. Why? Because the staff was doing unlawful things. How is that for ethics in Journalism? You guys got caught. You are all fired and the papers reputation is ruined.


Impressed by Rupert Murdoch taking the easy way out and making the easy decision?


I’d like to see the schuldbekenntnis Rupert Murdoch makes them all sign if they want $everance.

i’d be more impressed if he had closed them down for their “racy front-page splashes detailing the sex lives of politicians, celebrities and sports stars” because then faux news would be shutting down also. (CBS NBC ABC too).

This solves and fixes nothing as I am concerned. As Rupert Murdoch is concerned it is the obvious choice tho.

It blows the dog whistle that profits are number 1 and faux news is still all about racy front-page splashes detailing the sex lives of politicians, celebrities and sports stars by any means nece$$ary. Every faux news employee needs to work together to keep quiet about the mean$ to the end. Just don’t get caught dumbasses.


Lets see, the same motivational tactics used by Saddam on the Kurds, USSR, China, Mussolini, Israeli Army, plenty of others.

Bomb the whole village
Gas every one of them
Nuke em all and let God sort it out

Rupert in another place and time could dish out genocide while salivating like a wild boar. Rupert raised by different parents, say Bill Ayers and Bernardine, would be screaming about “White Privilege” and Tuskegee Syphilis while wearing a red army thong.

Rupert Murdoch has no idea that he has done wrong:

“To understand why a man called Jesus of Nazareth took foreign guilt upon himself in order to invalidate the consequences of foreign guilt requires the insight and maturity of a productive life which has penetrated in its course all internal and external resistance so as to reach a point where the reality of guilt is accepted as of one’s own making. Only such a life will be able to accept the self-caused guilt without blaming others. If and as long as a human being does not reach by his or her own insight this point of accepting the consequences of their own life, the alternative is structured as in the case of Jesus: Someone else must take the blame for the misery and the dark misfortunes of life. He must be sacrificed, following the example of ancient sacrificial rituals and of Christ’s passion in the hope that it may bring salvation for the surviving majority. This logic implies that selected living human beings have to bear the sufferings of this world and God’s grief through being killed by fellow human beings. The effect of this logic upon the average Christian is however disastrous. Killing ‘God’ individually and collectively by consent amounts to suppressing, rejecting and discarding what should and could have been the centre of his inmost spiritual life. Consequently he is unable to recognize his own guilt.”

“Collective Guilt”

I bet nothing gets Rupert Murdoch horny quicker than Red Army Faction hotties who also knew how to dish out the collective guilt:


Meh, everything in England is 168 years old.

The rest of your post was too rambling and incoherent to really understand without chemcial aid. But yea, Murdoc, fuck that guy!

Oh good, a third thread.

Yeah, but this one has Jesus in it. And misses most of the point of the affair by a good country mile.

Although I dislike the Murdoch media empire and what it stands ofr, I reached this view independantly, so if my view conicides with the OP, it is entirely a coincidence

Did the Red Army really wear thongs? Were they thong underwear or just beach thongs?

I can see to a certain extent why he did, 1) advertisers were desrting the paper 2) The British tradition of having Sunday papers run as seperate operations to their weekly counterparts was becoming uneconomical.

What I dislike most though is the fact that he will sacrifice an entire paper, but he won’t sacrifice Rebekah Brooks who’s clearly implicated in the whole affair, if not quite as directly as Andrew Coulson who authorized some of the illegal payments, still a lot of this went on under her editorship.

It just reinforces to me that once you reach a cerftain level in an organisation you can fuck up as badly as you like and you will be protected from the repercessuions whilst those lower down the food chain will suffer the full force even where they’re not responsible.

The OP edited his nonsense for spelling, but failed to address its inherent worthlessness.

Back to the mines, hnsjrf! Don’t come back until you have a few more brain cells to rub together.

Lurking Guest! You’re back! I missed you.

Wait a minute. I’m pretty close to cracking the code here, but how much do wild boars salivate?

So whose sock is this? My first guess is Wildest Bill, but it could be thaidog or bjorn, too.

No matter who it is, it’s been a long time (in my observation) since we were afflicted with the crazy like this where it wasn’t a spammer. Good stuff.

I believe some of the words in the OP were English, but the grammar’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before.

I’ve always been a Pippin man, myself.

Really? I always though Merry had much more to do with the success of the quest.

Every day I’m going to give thanks that I don’t think like that.

It’s hard to tell through the incoherence, but did you just make a crack about Rupert’s parents? Don’t be dissing Dame Elizabeth! She’s a class act - everything her son is not.

Why? He’s got a really good point. If the Chief Ringwraith had been there to lead the hordes at The Battle of the Morannon, Aragorn might have fallen before Sauron gave them the recall order.

Indeed, the Lords of the West might have lost the entire embassy at the Black Gate, and their host overrun even after Orodruin exploded.

Holy Crap! Thought you must’ve made a typo refering to her in the present tense, but I guess Rupert Murdoch’s Mom is still alive. Did not know that.

Jesus is magic.

Shoehorn Butterhorse.