1970s commercial taglines

1970s jingles got me thinking about old commercial taglines. Got some from the '70s? (Or '60s)?

Winston cigarettes
Winston tastes good, like a cigarette should.
As * a cigarette should.
Which would you rather have? Good grammar, or good taste?*

AMC Matador
So that’s a Matador!

Chrysler Cordoba
Rich Corinthian leather!

Tareyton cigarettes
I’d rather fight than switch!

Decaffeinated coffee (I don’t remember the brand.)
They can put a man on the moon, but they can’t make a decaffienated coffee that tastes good

How do you spell relief? R-O-L-A-I-D-S.

Mama Mia, that’s a spicy meatball!

Chiffon margarine
*It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature. *

Mountain Dew
Mountain Dew!

Cola nut…
Un-cola nut!

I can’t believe I ate the whole thing.

Whoop-te-do for Subaru

You asked for it, you got it! Toyota!

Ancient Chinese Secret!
Calgon Laundry Detergent

Plop, plop
Fizz, fizz
Oh what a relief it is.

It’s a Subaru!
Absolutely perfect tagline. Bulletproof in its simplicity - it makes no claims other than what can be proven simply by looking at the car.

Ultimate Driving Machine? Built Tough? Prove it!

It’s downright upright.
Harvey’s Bristol Cream

Hey Culligan Man!
Culligan water softeners

You call it Corn, we call it maize. And we use the golden goodness of Corn oil to make Mazola margarine.

Parkay margarine

Calgon, take me away!
You got your peanut butter in my chocolate!
You got your chocolate in my peanut butter!
Two great tastes that taste great together!

Two! Two! Two mints in one!

That’s a spicy meatball!

It’s Suzy Chapstick!

Beat ya! :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

It isn’t nice to fool Mother Nature!

cue sfx thunder and lightning

“It’s Shake and Bake, and I helped!”

Ha! Beat you, too! :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

I am the King!

[sub]Oh, wait. That was Al’s Bedspread Kingdom, and it was later than the '70s.[/sub]

[sub]Or maybe it was that King Of Big Screen guy. I dunno…[/sub]

Connect Four
Pret-ty sneaky, sis.

In Perfection, you gotta move 'em fast, move 'em fast,
Or the pieces pop up before you put in the last!
And that’s Perfection!

Ladies…show us your Underalls!