2 legged fox filmed in garden!

Very odd. I’m surprised it’s survived so long tbh…

A spokesperson for Derbyshire Wildlife Trust said: “We’ve never seen anything like this in the wild before but the animal looks relatively healthy and appears to have adapted to life on two legs.”

I used to live with a cat with only vestigial back legs (she had no bones in them). She had survived on to about six months as a feral before we took her in, and she lived a full and rewarding life (18 years as an indoor/outdoor). She also walked around with her butt balanced in the air, like this fox.

The only things she couldn’t do as well as her four-footed colleagues were she couldn’t scratch the back of her neck effectively (and so loved it when a human or other cat did that for her), and she was a little slow going up stairs (though she went down as a fast as anyone).