2 unrelated questions: Motorcycles and sneezing

I just realized that I’ve never seen anyone ride a motorcycle when it’s snowing. It’s probably stupid and dangerous, and that’s why most people don’t do it. Is it illegal though? With modern technology, is it even that much more dangerous than rainy cycling if a person takes the proper precautions? I would assume that some rebellious types would love to show off like that when it’s snowing

My second questions is: How come I never see any athletes sneezing? I’ve seen them cough, but never sneeze. With the amount of games I watch, I thought I would catch it at least once. Its not like they have the time or inclination to edit that out. Does adrenaline somehow makes it less likely for one to sneeze?

From what I recall there is no law banning MC riding in snow here in NC. Laws vary by state so northern states may ban snow riding on a MC.

I have seen people riding in western Pennsylvania in the snow, although it is usually unintentional (temps rise above 40 in January, riders organize quick ride, temps and snow fall).

When I was 20(about twenty years ago), I rode 300 miles through freezing rain and snow across I-76 in PA. I spent a lot of that trip at low speed with my feet skimming the ground to catch slips. Definitly dangerous, not illegal.

It isn’t against the law in most jurisdictions (although a cop may try to cite you for reckless driving) and it need not be abnormally dangerous if you know what you are doing. It is more dangerous than rain because ice is more dangerous than water in terms of traction. I can (and have) ridden through the surf easily, I tried once, in my younger days, to ride across a ice-skating rink on two wheels and normal tires. It wasn’t pretty.

If the snow is falling and the ground temp high enough, I will ride. If the snow is falling and the ground temps low, I put on a sidehack and throw a good set of chains in it. If the snow is falling and laying, I got my hack on, and there are a lot of cars out there, I park it. I realize at some point ANYTHING can get dangerous and stupid. The big risk is the cars and not the snow.
Personal story – many years ago I was trying to get from a friends house to where I was staying that night in a “lake effect” storm that caught everyone by surprise. The roads were open and few cars were out. I had the hack on, the chains, and I borrowed some weight for in the hack just to be safe. I was having no problems at all.

A local cop saw me and decided to pull me over. I stopped fine and was reaching for my license when he went into a skid and pushed us both into a ditch. I was really nice about it all – I didn’t freak or anything. I got out of the ditch fine. He, however, was stuck ----- so we ran some straps he had from his frame to mine and I helped him get clear. Dude was cool about it and next time I was up Erie area, he bought me dinner.

Unless you saw me and the folks from Butler HOG. January 1, snow or not, we have our annual Snowball Run. It may be silly but it is intentional.

I can say from sad experience that riding a motorcycle on snow and ice is next to impossible.

Before we were married, my wife fell down some stairs and was in the hospital. This was during my I-don’t-have-a-car-just-a-motorcycle period. I was determined to go see her, and set out in the snow.
Here in Georgia, we don’t do snow removal. We just panic and wait for the sun.

I incorrectly assumed I could simply use my legs as outriggers, and power my way through the snow.
I probably made it about a mile, and fell about 28 times before giving up and turning home. And fell another 28 times on the way. No sense in both of us in the ICU.

I now have an old Russian WWII bike with a sidecar that works fine in the snow if I’m in the mood.

Depends on the tires, I’ve riden lots of bikes in the snow. A typical street bike won’t fare too well, but some dirt bikes do ok. Also snow isn’t normally the real problem, its ice.

Dont know about the legal part but I used to ride my dirt bike on the snow all the time. Not on the roads although I dont see any reason not too. We just screwed, well screws, into the tires. Ended up with great traction. Tons of fun to beetle down snowmobile trails and rivers an such.

The athletes use frequent spitting to ward-off sneezes! :wink:

I would be curious about the make and model.

IF the snow is deep enough, (say 2 inches) “dual purpose” (or as us old folks call them “dirt bikes with headlights” can work pretty well for two-wheels-only. Knobbies with every other knob removed help as well.

(I owned a Maico 501 Enduro once upon a time. In the snow it was usually cross-country with short stretches of road. Up in the mountains back home it actually worked better than a snowmobile because it required a narrower path)

Ice racing tires? Is that basically what you mean? 100% frikkin traction - and I mean 100%. It’s a little odd knowing you are basically sitting in-between two very heavy buzzsaws but it is pure rush. Could be you mean shorter screws but I have my hopes I am wrong.

I’ll keep my eyes open for you! I am in the Saxonburg/Butler area fairly often.

We kayakers have some traditions also. There’s a run we do the weekend before trout season opens on Buffalo Creek. I also try to get my boat wet each month. February is tough!

sneezing on a bike
wearing a full face helmet
at least there’s no snow

And, just in case anyone is really, really curious, I can answer the combined question of “Motorcycles and sneezing”.

If you are wearing a full-face helmet, I would heartily recommend lifting the face shield before attempting to sneeze.

In one of his shows, Jesse James went up to Canada (NorthWestern… or perhaps Northeastern Alaska), and drove one of the ice highways. The guy he was meeting up there owned one of the trucking firms that handles most of the traffic on that road, and he didn’t receive his ice tires in time, so he started screwing in machine screws to the treads of his bike’s tires. Pointy end into the rubber, with the “head” of the screw as the “cleat” on the tire. I think this is the confusion you’re having.

I think this was just before the road opened for the year, and it was relatively unmaintained. They made it, but I don’t think anyone else will be trying that feat again soon.

I still wouldn’t want to be hit with the spinning tire though, if I fell.

I once got caught in a lake-effect snow in northern Michigan in May. Fortunately the roads were justwet. Once it gets to slippery, you want to stop. I had to stop at the first restaurant and have a hot bowl of soup, then a mile or so down the road stopped for the night. Next morning the streets were just wet.

I also got caught in a snowfal in early June - welcome to northern Canada. It was just a thick flurry, but trust me, you look stupid reaching over your winshield and wiping off the snow with a hand as you are driving along. Fortunately it was only about 2 miles to work, and it all melted by the time I left work.

Also in the north - one fellow took his dirt bike out on the frozen rivers to practice laying it down at speed, wearing leathers and snowmobile equipment. Another made home-made tires for his mountain bike with tiny screws pointy end stuck out from the inside of the tire. I assume he used padding between that and the inner tube.

Ye, when the road gets slippery - I don’t think they need a law to tell you to get your cycle off the road. We hold these truths to be self-evident. Most such incidents would be either getting caught in bad weather, or you knew the streets were clean.

I rode my moped in Toronto most of the year. Once the snow had been cleared, sun and salt ensured the main streets were dry within a few days, including no puddles. Just keep your eyes open!

Sorry. Should have said “average street bike”.

This was a Honda Shadow with regular street tires. Certainly a dirt bike with knobbys would fare much better. I have one now, but I didn’t that day.

My Ural with 2 wheel drive is a much better idea, and you can bring home a Christmas tree if needed!

I wonder if anabolic steroids reduce sneezing.

A friend of mine told me a story about his brother, he was in the Air Force and got called for duty during a snowstorm. This was probably 20 years ago or more. Problem was he was a hundred miles away and had no transportation except a motorcycle. He made it but when he got there he was so frozen up he couldn’t even get off the motorcycle. They helped him into a hangar to thaw out for a while. That’s the story, I’m sure some details are wrong but amusing nonetheless.