"24" Season 2, Episode 4 - 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (SPOILERS)

He speaks truth. shudder

But yea, Nina! (Love her!)

Mason seems to be constitutionally incapable of telling anybody the truth about anything without having it beaten out of him. Must be habit from being a intelligence agent for so long.

Mason probably doesn’t want anyone treating him any differently. He’s an ass and he knows it and that’s how he gets people to do what he wants. If he lets on that he’ll be dead before the season…er…the day is over, they’ll start mollycoddling him, telling him to go home and get his affairs in order as best as possible. Now Mason realizes he will be dead soon, no need for everyone to join his fate. In rasslin’ speak, Mason has had a “face-turn”, he just doesn’t want anyone to know it lest he be deemed not as commanding.

Kim is a total fool, as is Blonde Sister of the Bride. I want to put both of them out of my misery. Kim, tell them you’re the nanny and have witnessed the latest episode of child abuse you idiot! Do not act all offended and guilty by saying “You don’t think I did it, do you?” As that girl’s bra size increases her IQ goes down, I swear it…

Can I get the “Just Jack” version of 24 sans the Kim & wedding storylines?

Woah, just had a vision of the Jack character from “Will & Grace” with a gun trying to be menacing to a bad guy then collapsing into a fit of giggles and leaning on a table for support… wiggy.

Dr. R.

Not very likely now that MeanDaddy has shown up back at home. He was there when she opened her bedroom door. I doubt she makes it to the hospital to see her daughter.
In the previews,

did we see the mom? I only saw the dad. I think the dad will either kill the mom or beat her and make her stay at home while he goes to get the kid.

Ok, I started watching this season from the start just for a laff, and dammit, now I’m hooked. But last night was the first time I thought they really messed up with the “real time” scenario…

First of all, the little girl goes unconscious at 11:05 a.m., while still at the bombed-out CTU. At 11:15 a.m., she’s in the ER, having been diagnosed not only with intracranial brain swelling due to a skull fracture, but also with numerous other poorly-healed breaks and bruises, which leads the nurse(?) to conclude that she’s a victim of child abuse, and she’s even notified the police already. All that in TEN MINUTES, including transport time, right in the middle of a major disaster with several other trauma patients inbound???

Of course, that’s nothing compared to Jack driving from downtown L.A. to Simi Valley in 20 minutes…yeah, maybe in a jet-powered dragster in the carpool lane with no traffic!!

On a totally unrelated note…daaaamn Sara Gilbert got ugly.

Avalonian – don’t forget the shooting of the telephone repair guy – one more dead body to chalk up in the tally so far.

Sam Stone – are you sure? I was thinking it was a P.I. that she hired, although I don’t remember the details of her conversations with him in the earlier shows… And I agree on the “running forward with guns blazing”. I’d think running would not be so good for aiming.

My gosh, you may be on to something here… Blondes… in L.A… so their boobs should all be bigger! :smiley:

I don’t mind the wedding subplot, but I’m glad to see that it’s going to start crossing over with the bomb plot next week.

Kim should be safe, long-term, given that she’s a new nanny and those earlier injuries have to predate her exposure to Megan. Whether or not she’s intelligent enough to realize that and avoid some kind of Faustian deal with evildaddy is another question.

Jack is such a badass. I want to see (or read) a crossover with Angel – Jack and Wesley in one room would be a moment to remember.

I’m loving this season so far, but in the cases of Kim, Ensign Ro, and Mason, nobody is simply TELLING PEOPLE what’s going on. I can’t see too many reasons why they wouldn’t just talk – especially Kim.

A side note…if you have kids who watch Disney channel movies, you might recognize Reza (Philip Rhys) as the rock star Protozoa from the “Zenon” movies. I can’t see him any other way now, and it’s messed up.

They don’t say events occur in real time anymore. I think it gives them a little licencse. All events occur between the given hour, but they have a little more room to play if they don’t occur in real time. Either way this is the best television I’ve seen since Quantum Leap. This show doesn’t care to kill anybody anytime. It’s like the opposite of the G.I. Joe cartoons when I was a kid. Plus this year they have really widened the scope beyond a personal vendetta/internal mole drama into a subject that covers most of the worst fears and hardest decisions America and the world faces in these times. Finding a mole is a little less topical then saving 2.5 million people from nuclear devestation at the hands of well-funded terrorists.

Of course a little personal vendetta is involved anyway and I hope Jack takes a hacksaw to Nina later this season. For those of you catching up, when that hot evil bitch Nina killed Jack’s wife she was pregnant with his second child.

DaLovin’ Dj

DaLovin’ Dj

It does have one of those ‘if I’m ever in an action movie…’ bits, though. If I’ve just told my father/boss/associate that I found evidence that this guy has terrorist/mob/government connections and the father/boss/associate denies those allegations out of hand and within five minutes insists that I take a ride with the supicious guy, I will not get in the car.

Having just watched the entire first season on DVD (Before you ask, no, I was not able to watch it all in 24 hours. Took me two days), I can state for a fact that in Season 1 they repeatedly used split screens to show different views of the same scenes. Further, when they showed two different scenes, nothing significant ever happened in the secondary scene - usually just people walking or milling around.

Sam Stone, the daughter hired a private investigator, not “the government.” That’s been made very clear several times.


I was surprised CIA guy was taken out so early, i bet he or a crony shows up soon. With Mrs. Palmer, since i bet they are lovers. But i was laughing when the Secret Service dudes showed up. don’t mess with the Prez!

And we got a dog kill!!! Reza is soooo NOT a terrorist, why would you buy i house in a town you are going to blow up, which you are also getting married in, and keep it secret except for a future sister in law? I bet Reza means Red Herring in Arabic! Daddy has to be the terror guy, but i bet he just gave them the plutonium and doenst know it will go off in LA, and the Serbians are behind it, using the Arabs as a front, this will lead to a Seriban/Saudi war.

Now let’s not go dragging the Seriban into this. That whole “Temporal Cold War” thing is kind of lame, and time travel would really play havoc with a show that’s supposed to be taking place more-or-less in real time.

From MEBucknerNow let’s not go dragging the Seriban into this. That whole “Temporal Cold War” thing is kind of lame, and time travel would really play havoc with a show that’s supposed to be taking place more-or-less in real time.

Er… I believe that would be the Suliban.

Perhaps Reza will morph into a green speckly-headed guy, contact a mysterious shadow from the future, and constantly taunt Jack into fistfights. :wink:
From Riboflavin - If I’ve just told my father/boss/associate that I found evidence that this guy has terrorist/mob/government connections and the father/boss/associate denies those allegations out of hand and within five minutes insists that I take a ride with the supicious guy, I will not get in the car.

I can see it now. Daddy (to Reza): “Hey buddy. My daughter found us out. You’re going to have to cover our tracks. Take her out to Miller’s Crossing and whack her.” :smiley:

That’s it, Tars, if he’s bad and in government, he must be CIA.

The dude who just got canned was actually NSA.


CIA, NSA, CTU, FBI, too much alphabet soup!!
Hey, a Temporal cold war with time travel could explain the traffic problems!!!

Right, but then Jack’s job would be too easy. Just get out of L.A., watch the bomb go off (and thus get an idea where Ground Zero is), and then go back in time to stop it. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well that would only work for one time thread and it wouldn’t be the one he was originally from. Physics dictate that he has to forever be in a splinter universe and can never return to the one he left where every one (including his daughter) dies.

DaLovin’ Dj

No, but you see, his future self would just die in the attempt, a la Star Trek, and the past self would just live on normally. :wink: