My pleasure. The first book takes a few to get going, as she’s setting the scene, but the medievalist in me fangirls with a passion at how well she recreates the era.
Ok guys time’s up.
I’ll be emailing you the person you have and their addresses and stuff this weekend!
Keep an eye out in those inboxes!
E-mails have been sent out!
Let me know if you have any problems, and be sure and check in when you send/get your books!
Quick Update!
I have picked up the first In Death book Naked in Death so any one of the next 10 or so would be good.
I have also score the first 2 John Rain books and have through Overlook of the Harry Bosch books. I have recently had Ben Aaronovitch, Jonathon Stroud and Patric Rothfuss series recommended to me by fellow bookish Dopers.
I have my name, now to look at my bookshelf!!
Got the name of my recepient yesterday. Being an overachiever, I got the book yesterday AND put it in the mail today. Hope my recepient likes it!!
My person has never been in this thread. I sent her (I think) a private message, but no answer. So, I just pulled a bunch of books off the shelves and will send them media rate.
I can’t do it until next week, since hubby has a bunch of doc appts, including a colonoscopy, so we be busy this week.
Good way to handle an awkward situation. My person made several suggestions about what she/he would like and made my role very easy, which I very much appreciate.
picnurse, hope your hubby is okay!
I kept staring at the package thinking “WHO do I know that lives there!”
Seriously, you’d think the name would clue me in…
THANK YOU!!! I am excited to read it. Thanks!!!
Sir T-cups, I promise yours is coming. My kitten had major surgery yesterday so I’m kind of running every which way right now…
Okay ordered!
And now you have me all curious so I had to order one for myself!
Glad you’re happy. I hope you enjoy it!
And now you know the “secret” behind my user name. I thought it was clever at the time I created it but now . . . meh. Wish I’d gone with “X Halt Salute,” which is a dressage phrase. Maybe I’ll ask the mods to change my user name . . .
Oh man you spoiled the surprise! Now I know who has me!
At least you won’t stare at the package and wonder if it’s safe to open
: lower lip trembling :
You got a package from me and wondered if it was safe to open?
<sniff> I’m wounded.
Well I grew up in the 80s
plus I sorta worried it might be addressed wrong and was supposed to go to some other person with my name…maybe the kitten’s pain meds are affecting me too
DZC, how many times do I have to tell you NOT to take the kitten’s pain meds?! :eek: They are for her, not you. Yes, I know you suffer when she does, but that doesn’t excuse it.
Well damn… there goes the weekend. I guess I will just have to read a book… if I can find any here to read
eyes the toppling Mountain of Doom
Oh, he’s fine. he had rotator cuff surgery in May. He’s doing PT and such. I’ll be glad when he can go back to work. He’s NO help around here, in fact he’s make-work.
The colonoscopy was routine, family Hx.
BTW, I looked on the USPS website. They still have “Media Rate” (used to be book rate) 10lbs is about $7.00. The rule is just media/books. If you add a note and they catch it, the price goes up, and in our cases, the receipent would have to pay the extra.
It’s ironic that this is my exchange, and I am late getting my book out, but I also had to actually do research and figure out what book to buy. So it’s a comin I promise
I thought I ordered yesterday, but it didn’t go through.
However it IS ordered this time so soon as it gets to me, I’ll send it out. I apologize for being slow.