The 2021 SDMB Book Exchange

I’ve decided to give this a two month window-Cut off date is May 1st.
The event is for the exchange of book(s) you already own and have read, so please don’t go book shopping. They could be books you find interesting or books you think may reveal a bit of your personality. If you wish to participate, here is what you do:
In your post to this thread indicate that you want to participate, what your restrictions are as to international shipping, and (if you feel the need) up to two categories of books you wish not to receive.
In a private message and/or email to me give me your Board name, real name, full address and any other info you deem necessary. I say full address because “123 Broadway” could be Broadway Avenue, Street, Lane etc.

Carpe libri!

I, of course, am participating. I am an omnibibliovore, evidenced by the fact that before I reached the age of eleven I read the entire 25 volume Funk And Wagnall’s Encyclopedia set, then everything written by Asimov(both fiction and non-fiction). I am willing to ship overseas.

Just received a PM from @BippityBoppityBoo saying she’s in.
She says “I would like to avoid:
Science fi/fantasy and romance.
My vast preference is for mysteries, both giving and receiving.”

Just a reminder to all to post in this thread to let people see who is participating and also to let people know your preferences.

Indeed I am. Czarcasm beat me to it. But at least I learned something about the search function in the process. Net gain.

I’m in! Full international, baby! I originally said no romances but Hey, I’m feeling plucky so send me whatever floats your boat! I can read French, badly and much slower, so English would be preferred.
I’m a rabid fantasy/sci-fi fan and also history, biographies, and technology.

PM sent. I love most fiction, although trendy vampire novels are not my thing. I really love alternate history, “what ifs?” are fascinating. Love sci-fi, mysteries, even adventure/thriller novels. For non-fiction almost anything goes, particularly world history, but I’ld like to try anything. I have at least THREE books on the crown jewels of several European nations. Love the glitter.

I’ll take part. I mostly like historical fantasy, literary novels, and cozy mysteries.

I’ll give it a whirl. Domestic (USA) shipping only, please. I don’t know how high international rates are currently.

I’m into fantasy, Steampunk, and time travel books. Stephen King is a favorite author a d I’ve recently discovered John Scalzi’s works. I also like books on language (English) and on cooking. I can my own jams and am learning to cook Korean food.

No dystopian novels, please. After the last 4 years, I need a break.

I’ll play. International shipping is fine.

I am not into mysteries/thrillers or romance stuff. AT all.

The receiver of my book will most likely get a nonfiction title, though I do have some historical fiction and whatnot lying about.

Curious-How do people feel about book inscriptions from the sender?

Fine by me~I’d enjoy hearing about the book from the sender, whatever she/he especially enjoyed, the meaning of it for her/him, whatever they wanted to share.

I’m fine with it, or not as the sender wishes.

Just a bump to remind people that there is one month left to join up.

Just a note to remind people that 12:00 midnight(PST) April 30th is the cut off for this, so if you want in you’ve only got a couple of days.

Last chance, folks.

:game_die: :game_die:, baby

Most of the notices have been sent out via PM, with just one address correction/clarification needed to wrap it all up. Please read the post of the person whose name you have been given for possible special instructions.

I’ve got my matchee, now to comb my shelves for good books to send on to them.

Whee! This is gonna be fun. I’m a little in awe of my matchee so I’m experiencing some trepidation but it will be a growth experience which is good for me at my age.

Shit! Missed it by a day! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I do the shot glass exchange religiously and sometimes the secret Santa, so I’ll definitely be looking out next year for another book exchange.

Regardless I’ll be watching this thread with excitement, curious to see what literally treasures Dopers will send.