1st Annual SDMB Summer Book Exchange!!

I love exchanges. It’s my favorite thing that we do here and I participate in every one I can. I also know that we are a smart bunch here and like to read, and while we always have multiple threads on books or reading (unless I’m way wrong) I have never seen an actual book exchange and it’s been brewing in me to create one for a while. I felt that the summer was the perfect time to do this since we are all getting ready for summer reading season.

Here is how I’m envisioning this to go: Just like every other exchange in your post say if you’re in and if you can ship internationally. When you actually describe the book you want…you can do whatever. If you’ve been dying for a specific book or a book you loved but never bought, you can say “I want the Lord of the Rings Trilogy please” and call it a day. Or you can put a list of books and have a doper choose from them, or (my favorite) put a genre, authors for reference, maybe a book or two that you loved, and let the dopers choose from there.

Once you decide to play go ahead and send me and e-mail at sdmbbookexchange@gmail.com, inside of the e-mail put your username (preferably as the subject line), real name, address, and if you can ship internationally (that’ll help me rather than going through the thread).

I will leave the thread open for two full weeks ('til Friday the 15th) and then do the names and such afterwards.

I hope everyone can get as excited about this as I am and I hope that this is the biggest exchange yet!

On second thought…should I have put this in CS?

[mod] Nope, here is fine. [/mod]

[non-mod] I’m in – I read a lot on language, esp. English (usage, history, cultural stuff, etc. – Righting the Mother Tongue, You Are What You Speak, and The Language Wars are the last three books shoved into that section of the library). Also natural history (David Quammen’s Song of the Dodo and Michael Pollan’s Botany of Desire are two I recommend everytime someone starts a “recommend a good nonfiction book” thread). Also like good literary fiction – David Mitchell (though I haven’t read the one that came out two years ago), Geoffrey Eugenides, people like that. Not a big genre fiction person. [/non-mod]

I can think of few more intimidating situations to be in than trying to choose a book for a Doper!

Bumping to get near the top again so that it can be more than just two people

I’m in, this sounds like fun, and I’ve never welshed on an exchange!:smiley:

I love fiction, especially speculative fiction, but I’ll give anything a go. If anyone has a good book about dachshunds that would be cool. It would be fun to be surprised.

I don’t suppose anyone has it, or if they do, is willing to give it up, but I can’t find a hardcover copy of Dies the Fire by S.M. Stirling.

Aww come on guys!

I was really excited for this and thought it’d be popular

Tell your friends!

wow, I just gave half my books to Savers two months ago (about 150 books!) but I guess I could get in on this.
I like fantasy/sci-fi, comedic fantasy/sci-fi, horror, I’d like to read more of the classic sci-fi writers I’ve missed so far like Asimov, Heinlein, Philip K Dick, and such. I just read a Darkover (Bradley) book and I’d be interested in reading more. I’d also like to read Game of Thrones sometime.

Sure! I love a good book.

I’m more in to non-fiction, though. How stuff works, reference, science-y type books. I liked Freakonomics, The World is Flat, and A Brief History of Time, for example.

Or coffee table books full of pictures! I like books full of historic town photos… or anything local , really.

Alrighty so far we have:






I’m in. Are we supposed to find a book we think others would enjoy? Honestly, some of my best books might be a bit worn out, but I would love to pass them on to someone else who might read them. Are worn out books acceptable? If not, I’ll have to find something around.

Oh you can absolutely give a personal book if you want to, I just figured everyone would buy new because they wouldn’t want to part with one of their own.

No rules for how books are given/purchased.

I’m absolutely in! I’ll read just about anything. I love nonfiction, Austen, Tolkien, Dickens, Shakespeare, Heinlein, mysteries (especially those with a well-written, exotic setting in another culture), allll kinds of stuff. Fave recent reads are Starman Jones by Robert Heinlein, The Book of Deadly Animals by Gordon Grice, and right now, The Perilous Gard by Elizabeth Marie Pope.

Yay! I’m so excited! My precioussssssss!

Whoever’s giving to me – used is totally fine, whether it’s from your library or bought (or bartered) for the purpose.

Also, I’ve got an Amazon wishlist under my real name, if you are looking for specific ideas. Again, used is fine.

I’m in.

I like historical fiction the most, also short story collections, biographies, fiction and non-fiction. I got kind of burnt out on sci-fi and fantasy, but if the story is good, I’ll like it. I recently read the Codex Alera and I’m about to start the Mistborn Trilogy. I like anything set during medieval times (I read alot of the Cadfaels, Sister Fidelma mysteries, all the Ariana Franklins, most of Rosemary Sutcliffs, a lot of Bernard Cornwell’s books). I like stuff about nature too. Or just surprise me, I’m easy to please.

Random and probably won’t mean much in the grand scheme of things, but my mom is visiting me this weekend so I’m leaving the sign up period open through next weekend because I’ll be too busy to gather the names and e-mail and all the jazz.

So sign up is open until I get to work Monday morning 9 or so central time

I’m in!

I like horror, sci fi, fantasy, romance if it’s not crap (I like Jude Devereux because she has a great story with romance thrown in, not porn with a typical porn plot).
I also like history if it relates to how screwed up humans and the environment can be.

What’s that you say? An updated list of people participating? Why yes I can do that:



Emiliy Litella





There it is! Also just to say again because I apparently suck at giving this damn deadline Sunday June 17 is the last day that you can sign up! I will do the actual picking of people sometime on that following Monday depending on how bored I am at work.

There’s still plenty of time to sign up!! Tell your friends!

I’m in as well.

Please PM us our person to send to, or at least a reminder. Thanks, this is cool.

I would like to participate! I don’t have many physical books anymore other than my precious cookbooks. I listen to downloads from Audible.com for the most part for my fiction needs. I don’t have time to sit and read, but with a cookbook, there’s no plot to follow and I can pick it up at will and thumb through looking for inspiration. Cookbooks with healthy, low-calorie recipes such as Cooking Light compilations are what I’m into right now, but another favorite is those church fundraiser cookbooks. I like getting those from different areas of the country because they contain the best foods from a region with real time tested recipes. One of my favorites is one my aunt brought back with her from Hawaii. I live in NC so something from California or the Mid-West or Up North or Louisiana or New Mexico or anywhere other than the South would be so interesting to read and experiment with. If the person who gets me has any of those laying around they want to get rid of, send 'em my way.