We got to see most of Liz’s old boyfriends again. Liked Dennis, but Jon Hamm’s bubble doctor fell a little bit flat for me. I’m now imagining Don Draper with hook hands though, so that’s a win.
Wesley has surpassed Floyd in the hierarchy of Liz’s boyfriends in my opinion. He’s just so damn smug. It’s great.
The tag at the end where Tracy recalls all his suppressed memories went from funny to tedious and then back to laugh out loud hilarious.
I love the term “sexual time travel”. Agree that bubble doctor was flat- it’s hard to make a doctor getting permanently maimed in the prime of his life funny, plus the hooks were very fake. Did like the comment that “it’s not your handicap- I’ve been dumped by four guys in wheelchairs- you’re just too stupid!”
And could they have cast him more perfectly than Michael Sheen? Sheen is an actor who is almost very handsome but not quite and almost Hugh Grant charming, but not quite.
I slept on a dog bed stuffed with wigs! A puppy committed suicide when he saw our bathroom! I saw a hooker breastfeed a rat! I saw a baby get a tattoo from another baby and both of them were drunk!
I just don’t see Jack’s dilemma. To me Donovan (I think that’s the name of Julianne Moore’s character) has it all over the younger Fox chick.
He surpassed Floyd on his own merits. It’s mostly the fake Britishsms, the way he manages to rub Liz just the wrong way, and the absolute glee he has when Liz has to settle for him. I still like Floyd, but Wesley won me over with his love of Scottish white wines.
Sampiro, you’re absolutely correct that Michael Sheen is perfectly cast.
See, there’s the dilemma – I find Moore’s character terribly annoying, and would tell Jack to go for the younger girl who is almost (but not quite) out of his league.
I liked them slagging off Precious. What was the book title exactly?
Even though they recycled the Annuale joke from SNL, it was still pretty funny - especially the name - Dodecacil.
Now, am I remembering things wrong? I didn’t think Drew was *stupid *stupid, but that living in The Bubble made him grossly overestimate his own skills and the solicitude of the world in general?
Anyway, I’m putting my vote in for Nancy. After all, she inspired me to buy a custom title!
In Jon Hamm’s defense, he lost his one hand when he waved out of a helicopter on a trip to Zimbabwe at a man who looked just like his former coach. Except he was black.
What was with the tag on Liz’s slip when she answered the door? It switched between barely visible, sticking out to the side, and hanging down over and over. Was this a deliberate goof? I don’t think it would naturally stick out like that.
I wonder if the plushie guy really was a plushie or if he just made it up on the spot once he realized he was sitting next to a looney and needed to blow her off. First time I’ve heard “yiffing” on network tv.