400 posts? Well, maybe not.

Having reached that somewhat dubious milestone of 400 pots, I decided to analyse the breakdown of the average Dopers first 400 posts. The results are:

“Hello, my name is Revedge. I"m new.” 3 posts.

“Stupid Questions about the SDMB because I didn’t bother to read the ATMB.” 27 posts.

“Unnecessary use of Hi Opal.” 13 posts.

“Me too, I agree posts.” 42 posts.

“Non sequiters to pad post count.” 28 posts.

“Unnecessary post to LOL or Bwaaahaaha at a previous poster.” 63 posts.

“Incohearant posts.” 22 posts.

“Posts to try to clear up the previous post, but further muddles the issue.” 15 posts.

“Attempts to flame.” 8 posts.

“Apologies after attempts to flame.” 8 posts.

“Apologies for spelling.” 4 posts.

“Dopefest party posts.” 59 posts.

“Asking directions to Dopefest.” 15 posts.

“Post Dopefest posts.” 38 posts.

“Unashamed flirting posts.” (Hi Ayesha! :p) 45 posts.

“Joining in on post Milestone parties.” 9 posts.
For a grand total of 399 posts.

Total of posts that have contibuted something original to the SDMB: ONE.
Hello. My name is Revedge. I’m new. I hope that I can be an asset to the SDMB.

But, you are an asset, Revedge, you are! Where else am I going to find threads like this one to post to in the dead hours of the morning when I can hardly type straight (there’s a lot of back-spacing and retyping done for this post, believe you me!)

Happy belated 400th!

Ohhhhh it’s one of my many mens ! Hi Revedge darlin ! How you been ? How’s the wife ? You have to start making the HouDopes again.

Your posting history isn’t bad at all dear, you are an asset here at least I think you are !

Smooch !

you forgot thread-killing posts (which, unfortunately, i’ve had my share of) :smiley:

Aye sweety, you make me blush. But, you know that it really throws cold water on unashamed flirting when you bring up my wife or your Lionsob! :stuck_out_tongue:

(As he pads his post count even further with a flirting post!)

Good for you. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, my 400th is coming up real soon. Anyone have any ideas as to what would be an especially worthwhile or fulfilling way to use this milestone post?

ianzin, don’t you mean your 500th post is coming soon? Or are you jus’ playin’ with me mind? :slight_smile:

'Grats Rev! We missed you at the last HouDope.

Carry on.