Having reached that somewhat dubious milestone of 400 pots, I decided to analyse the breakdown of the average Dopers first 400 posts. The results are:
“Hello, my name is Revedge. I"m new.” 3 posts.
“Stupid Questions about the SDMB because I didn’t bother to read the ATMB.” 27 posts.
“Unnecessary use of Hi Opal.” 13 posts.
“Me too, I agree posts.” 42 posts.
“Non sequiters to pad post count.” 28 posts.
“Unnecessary post to LOL or Bwaaahaaha at a previous poster.” 63 posts.
“Incohearant posts.” 22 posts.
“Posts to try to clear up the previous post, but further muddles the issue.” 15 posts.
“Attempts to flame.” 8 posts.
“Apologies after attempts to flame.” 8 posts.
“Apologies for spelling.” 4 posts.
“Dopefest party posts.” 59 posts.
“Asking directions to Dopefest.” 15 posts.
“Post Dopefest posts.” 38 posts.
“Unashamed flirting posts.” (Hi Ayesha! :p) 45 posts.
“Joining in on post Milestone parties.” 9 posts.
For a grand total of 399 posts.
Total of posts that have contibuted something original to the SDMB: ONE.
Hello. My name is Revedge. I’m new. I hope that I can be an asset to the SDMB.