500th post...

This is 505. I don’t even know what my 500th was. Probably something stoopid. Grrrr…
I was going to post something grand to celebrate.
Now I’ve to wait another 495. Darn, darn, darn…

Er … Happy 500 anyway, warmgun?

Good for you anyway. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m simply much too sweet ‘n’ shy :smiley: to throw myself a 500th post party, so I’ll just join yours … also somewhat belatedly.

Happy 500, Warmgun!

(and happy 100 to me :smiley: I just reached 100 today, and was afraid these count parties were done away with when I wasn’t looking.)

Congrats! Im still working on 100…almost there…

Let my own 500th go by. Taste, dear boy, taste.

::staggers in and crashes down next to Ellen::

Hey… where’s the beer…?

Congrats on 500! :smiley:

I just reached 100 today also. :slight_smile:

“Happiness is a warm gun.”

Congratulations, warmgun, and here’s to another 500…505…whatever.

Well, we know what I did with my 519th post. :o
What I mean’t to post waaaaas:

I love that song, thanks!
(cracks open a beer hands it to Ross) Here! Now sing along, “Happiness is a…”
(Takes Ellen by the arm, in a southern gentlmanly fashion, and two-steps to Ross’ singing) “Ellen, thanks, for join the party - and what lovely dancer you are.”
(anounces to the room) “Thank you all.”

I’ve never understood people’s facination with nice, round numbers. Maybe I should start my 233th post party. Then again, it might not be such a good idea.

<follows 233 post party with 234 post party, 235 post party, etc…>

Err, guess I’m up to 225, not 233. I guess it’s a bit early to celebrate, after all.

I’ll be there with ya soon enough ;):wink:

Let me be the first to congratulate you for 600 posts!

(I always come early to the party, so I get to scarf all the “irregulars” among the hors d’oeuvre) :wink: