7 Jan 2021 and beyond - the aftermath of the storming of the Capitol

Just like he won in 2020. And his blowout 2016 victory.

In this scenario, assuming current rules, he wouldn’t even win the primary. The best he could do is throw it to a brokered convention. And, again, that’s not a path to organizational success.

Don’t ever say this sentence. Ever.

But I didn’t say that sentence. You truncated a longer sentence so it had a different meaning than intended, then asked me not to say the truncated part.


No sentence featuring the words “I don’t see any chance in hell of Trump winning” should ​ever be said, unless it ends with “if he’s dead”.

Sure, under the circumstances you’ve described there may be a lower chance of him winning, but a chance, no matter how miniscule, still exists - and no chance is miniscule enough to be acceptable.

You’re not batting a terribly high percentage with the predictions to date (thankfully) :slight_smile:.


I get your eternal pessimism, I do. On my worse days I share some of it. But as they say four years is an eternity in politics and I don’t think any prediction about 2024 is worth much at this point.

That’s just another way the Deep State is opposing his reforms. Give now so Donald can fight for you!

Trump winning the nomination in 2024 depends entirely on who the other candidates are . . . and I, for one, have no hope that the Republican party’s potential candidates have the gravitas to defeat Trump.

As hard as they try, none of the others will have the utter lack of morals and depravity that Trump has.

We certainly hope they won’t have that utter lack of morals.

But the other thing we have to fear from the Rs is the guy (yes, it’ll be a male) who out-Trumps Trump. The skilled demagogue who’s also a competent tyrant that we’ve talked about so often.

2016 wants their delusions back.
You seem to believe that there are less than 73 million US voters that will vote for an openly racist, full-on misogynist, wannabee fascist. Facts prove you wrong. The D’s have their work cut out for them to win any of the swing states if the R’s get their way with their voter suppression initiatives.

There is one key difference between 2024 and 2020: Trump won’t be able to fire up his base via Twitter.

Let me preface my comment by noting that almost every prediction I’ve made about Trump has been wrong…

I think it will be hard for the current GOP hopefuls to replicate Trump’s rise because they are established politicians. Much of the early appeal of Trump was that he was a hand grenade tossed into the political ring and a lot of people wanted that; drain the swamp and all that. Certainly a lot of Trump supporters will vote for any GOP presidential candidate but I don’t think the non-Trump will have as much enthusiasm.

If someone does manage to take up the full mantel of Trump I think it’ll have to be someone outside of politics.

I respectfully suggest a lot of these posts might be better over here: Would ex-President Trump run in 2024?

Guys, will you stop truncating my sentence, asking me to defend a statement which I never made?

Holy hell!

In his book, “2016, How the Hell Did This Happen”, PJ roasts pretty much everyone. Kasich gets some approval, and Biden is not roasted (PJ seemily is giving Joe a pass due to Joes personal tragedy), Rand Paul is treated with some admiration and some scathing rebukes- but trump is given the most scathing write up.

I don’t see any chance in hell of Trump winning in 2024 if he for some reason delays his attempt to enter the competition until it’s literally impossible for him to win. Which, for the record, includes times both five seconds before the polls open, five minutes before the polls open, five hours before the polls open, and, yes, five days before the polls open. From a standpoint of “get his name on the ballots” I’m not sure there’s even a difference between those times.

If he enters five months before he vote he’ll win the republican nomination for certain and has a terrifyingly high chance of winning the whole kit and the whole kaboodle.

Now, feel free to say I’m crazy and that he’ll win the vote if he announces his run five months after the polls open. But honestly I’d rather hear more about how the dipshits who stormed the capital and their enablers are getting successively more boned.

Before he left office he “announced” that he would be back in 2024. I know that’s an unofficial announcement, but he made it clear he wasn’t going away so it should come to no surprise when he formally announces his run. Although everyone will act like its some surprise.

Even if his chances are less than great there are still advantages for him to run. He will claim that all the lawsuits against him are political and that they should not be able to prosecute someone who is a leading candidate for President, thus being able to play the victim card once again in order to fleece his followers. He will cry, “Let the American people decide!” while he has his legal team perform every blocking move possible to delay the multiple cases against him. All in hope s of getting Presidential immunity again by running out the clock.

I thought that in the aftermath of the storming of the Capital he barely had a legal team anymore.

Though admittedly four years is plenty of time for people to forget and forgive.

This guy may have a rough time in court with his alibi:

He is going play king maker in 2022 and show so much political clout that juries will not be able convict him. Insisting on jury trials will drag it out. His new legal team will be criminal lawyers this time. Different mindset and rules.