99 message board words or phrases to retire in 2014

Uhm, at least spell “uhm” correctly. I mean, wow. Just wow.

John, I have never seen it spelled “uhm” in all my years on the intertoobz. Are you trying to create a new internet meme? Don’t do this again, m’kay?

Google is your friend.

Punctuation is your friend.

_________ is your friend.


I don’t see it on here that often, but referring to your husband as DH, or it’s variants. I really hate that.

Yeah, “uhm” looks weird to me. It’s “um(m…)” or “erm.”

While I agree on ‘+1’ because we’re not keeping score, some short phrase like ‘This’ or ‘QFT’ is a hell of a lot faster than “This post says exactly what I would have said, if this poster hadn’t already said it first.”


Whenever I hear someone refer to their husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend as significant other (SO), I feel like screaming.

Uhm, Really?

“It is what it is” = dumbest phrase ever.

Is meh still okay?

Much better than “teh”. Which is neither cute nor clever.

We need to get rid of “anyways”. There is no such word.

Also " 'cuz". (Unless you’re talking about your cousin. Then I’ll let you slide.)

And stop signing your damn posts. We already know who you are.

Language Nazis. It’s a linguistic holocaust!!

Quiznos has sandwiches they call “Sammies.”
Which reminds of people who type sammich instead of sandwich. Incredibly annoying.

Huh-huh. Huh-huh. You said “penis”.

Silly swearing words, where you take a standard swear word and add a random suffix or prefix (e.g cuntlapper)

Not confined to messageboards, but whenever I see something on a website entitled “Is this the best _____ of all time/ever?” the answer is, invariably, “No.” Sometimes it’s “No, not even close.”

I’d like to see “heartbreaking” vanished as well. Reality is unpleasant enough as it is without people playing I Am More Sad Than You Over Something That Doesn’t Actually Matter. It’s terrible someone out there kicked a puppy, but turning a video of it into a recreational outrage topic filled with calls for the puppy kicker to be cast into the Thunderdome to be torn apart by ill-tempered sea bass with fricking laser beams attached to their heads is, well, unhelpful at best.

Similarly, “You need to see this pic of _____”. No, I don’t. I need to breathe in and out, consume nourishment, and go to work to ensure minor trivialities like the power bill get paid, I have somewhere to live, and said nourishment is available. I don’t need to see a picture of a platypus having a sleepytime cuddle with a giraffe, however cute the image may be.

Another board which I frequent, is fond of a variation of that one: “cow-irker” (as in someone who annoys cattle). I admit to rather liking that usage, which I do find funny – maybe I have a puerile sense of humour.

The expression in general has a bit of an exotic feel to us in the UK. Standard for us, is to speak of work colleagues – rarely if ever, of co-workers.

Cow-orker has been around for a long time.