a bad day for (ynh)


today really sucked.

i need some love or something here.
between everyone being especially bitter in school today, having acquantinences (so?) dissing me me no reason, being rejected by the only person i really like, being tired and sore, and having my parents being especially bitchy today, it wasn’t fun.

why must everyone be so mean at once?

i need a hug.

Awwww, (ynh) {{{{{}}}}}

The only good thing about days like this is that they eventually end. Sleep is a wonderful healer. Tomorrow WILL be better!

Mike, who thinks your name is GREAT :smiley:

Use a dictionary fercrissake!

OK I was just kidding! :wink: Illegitimi Non Carborundum and all that, old chap. Keep a stiff upper lip.
Would you care to play bouncy-bouncy upon Arnold’s knee?

Well, I need a hug too.

{{ (your name here) }}


What Merhouse said–sleep is nice. And music does good things for me when I’m pissed off and sad.

I had a bad day a while ago. I wrote to the Board, and…well, I won’t claim that everything got better, but a lot of Dopers wrote in, and it did cheer me up.

So…here’s my return cheer-up message. You’ve got a bright future, kid. I mean that–your posts are creative…I wouldn’t have been able to write them when I was in HS. Stick around, we need posters like you.

((((your name here))))
Tomorrow is a new day - hang in there :slight_smile:

I’m sorry you had such a bad day. There are too many of those going around. Let’s hope everything is better tomorrow.

You know everything is gonna turn out okay, right? I mean, you’re young, brilliant, and witty, and people like that can turn any situation, no matter how fecal, into sunshine and daisies. It just takes time, and charm, and a willingness to resort to blackmail if necessary.

My prescription for you is to hunt down a copy of Neutral Milk Hotel’s In The Aeroplane Over The Sea, and listen to it loud, on headphones. That album is like pure, liquid pain, pressed into CD form. Then realize that no matter how crappy your life gets, that guy has you beat hands down.

Works for me.

(your name here), I’m sorry you’ve had such a bad day. Things will get better, but learn to embrace your pain! Don’t deny yourself the pain you’re experiencing… wait a minute; that doesn’t sound quite right.

{{{{your name here}}}}

I know what it’s like to have really bad days; in fact, I was just through a few in a row. It really sucks right now, and I feel your pain, especially in re: bitchy parents. I hope things get better for you in time.

Cheer up mate!
I hate seeing the only person on my buddy list unhappy.

To the best and funniest 15 year old I know,
Get well soon?

P.S. I go to school with alot of them so don’t say I dunno many.
Turn that frown sideways… err upside down:D

{{{{{{(your name hear)}}}}}

Hope today is abetter day.