A BSG/ Starbuck Theory I Just Thought of...

So I was thinking about the common criticisms I hear about NuBSG, one of them being: "What is the ‘Returned Starbuck’.

My usual answer is, “It doesn’t matter.” An angel, Starbuck, an angel that thinks it’s Starbuck…pick one. Who cares. Then the Jesus analogy hit me, and I dismissed it, cause it would just be sloppy without further proof.

But there is further proof. The show seems to intimate that Starbuck’s father could hear “All Along The Watchtower”/ the voice of God/ the celestial background of the universe.

Which would either make Starbuck’s father a Cylon ( a boring pedestrian choice ), or Starbuck’s father wrote All Along The Watchtower. Making Him God.

Which I think is a much more interesting choice since Starbuck died, came back and left when her work was done. Of course it makes ‘Jesus’ not a particularly nice guy and God an alcoholic if I recall correctly but, there you are.

Sorry if the ‘Starbuck is Jesus’ theory is a common one. I hadn’t heard it before.

That theory greatly diminishes the “this has all happened before, it will happen again” aspect of it all. As well as tying everything back to Earth, where (and when?) Bob Dylan wrote “All Along the Watchtower”. Doesn’t destroy the theory, but at first glance, has as many questions as it answers.

Obviously in BSGverse, Dylan’s version is a cover.

Or Bob Dylan is God.

(But it doesn’t like when you call it that).

Like, the Universe wrote the song, man. It’s always been floating out there in the cosmos. And, Dylan, like, was the instrument on which it played.

Similarly, Starbuck was a tool.

Dylan thought he came up with the song, just like Ronald D. Moore believed he was making up the whole story as he went along – but even Moore’s just relaying what happened before, like Dylan did! So there’s no point in lamenting how mankind lost its chance to learn from history by dint of the final episode: just like Dylan brought us back the forgotten song, Moore brought us back the forgotten history lesson.



Mankind did learn it’s lesson. The very first application of intelligent AI in the past has been to create soldiers. In this incarnation mankind created…toys.

We’re working on humanoid sexbots.