A-choo! The MMP

I get a lot of things ordered in for this job. From the last ten years of opening up boxes from random people, I would guess that your baking sheets will come shipped one per box. That is, if you bought them from one of the Danaher subsidiaries (Fluke Electronics, Gems Sensors to name two).

**Sean **- if they do, you’ll be the first to know!

Howdy from da cave! I was in the position of either drivin’ twelve miles back to the orifice or four miles to da cave. Da cave won hands down. I have some paperirk stuff to enter and some to scan to TPTB which I can just as easily do from da cave thanks to the wonder that is teh intartoobz. So I am in the process of doin’ just that even as I post.

Din din shall be grilled chikin strips, Rice-A-Roni[sup]TM[/sup], and green beans cause it’s easy and quick to do.

Sari here’s hopin’ the HFH moves into a mcmansion and then a meteorite falls on 'em. As for you, get that house and get sah-son and you out soonest.

doggio nice to know Jim and you had fun without resortin’ to ax murder.

Roo yay for feelin’ good and gettin’ stuff done! WOOHOO!!!

Ok, gotta get this here irk stuff done.

Haven’t done much today so far. I need to make a beer run.

sari, you could donate the HFHs to Jim and Spidey for test dummies for the Shark-tapult[sup]TM[/sup]

Yay for being up, phouka!

That was some messy fun! I just threw 4 pots which will become monsters or face pots, depending on how I feel as I finish them. One will definitely be a monster. And I mostly cleaned up my studio after, so it’ll be clean when I go back to work down there.

I just brought in the jeans from the lines - they’re dry and I didn’t freeze to death, even tho it’s just 37° out there. I’ve got daffodils and iris and lots of other green things poking thru the mulch - I hope these next few extremely cold nights don’t hurt them.

Supper will be caramelized onion chicken from the Comfort Food Diabetic Cookbook - it’s made with soy sauce, peach jam, and some yummy spices, and it’s served over rice. And I’m thinking sugar snap peas on the side. I may shred some carrots into the sauce, too.

**FCD **has started painting the next fender - he’s picked out a couple of really cool subjects - one on the front of the fender, one on the back. His overall theme for the bike is a mix of steampunk and biomech. Should be interesting…

And because I kept forgetting - welcome back, Kanga!! And yay for a good day!

Where did you order from on a Sunday that’s able to deliver by UPS on a Monday?

I’ll be out back looking for pods.

Between your time-warp delivery and my taxing experiences, there’s something odd going on! I just got two fat envelopes in the mail from the IRS. <ominous music> They made corrections to our amended returns. :eek:

Apparently, I used the wrong column in the tax tables as our refunds will be substantially larger than expected. And they voluntarily fixed my goof. Yay!

**gotti **- the site was casa . com - they’re in NJ and apparently they package stuff up on Sundays and UPS picks them up. Still don’t know when my pans will arrive - supposedly I got free 2-day shipping. Maybe they average it out over the total order?? Not that I’m desperately awaiting my pans. I don’t plan to make cookies in the next couple of days. Probably.

Rice is in the steamer. After I feed Higgs at 5, I’ll start making the rest of supper.

I should bake something for dessert… :wink:

Howdy Mumpers,

I am back to real life, almost.

Doggio good to meet you IRL, sorry I was so busy. I must add that it was damn skippy good to meet me some Mumpers and I will try it again when I hit the road. Hope some more Mumpers and Dopers are down for a meetup. Thank you Mooooom, Spidey, 2gig, Sari and Doggio, so nice to put faces with names and to Wordman, a non Mumper as well. That was cool.

Kanga keep it up.

In the airport and ready to get on home.

Cheers all


Jim have a safe flight. Actually that should be said to the pilot. :smiley:

Dindin is et and dishes are done. I have a beast roast with N.O.T. and carrots in the oven. The plan is to have it done or mostly done by seven, so’s I can let it cool and then refrigerate. Since it’s in a cast iron dutch oven thingy that should work cookin’ wise.

Other than that a lazy Moanday evenin’ at da cave.

Got a new CD in the mail today! I haven’t had much time to listen to the 3 new CDs I now have, though. Maybe this weekend.

::Shakes finger at Swampy::

From the chart posted my flight has one open seat, the aisle next to my window seat. IOW if this sticks I will have wiggle room when noone else does as this is a small jet with double seat rows.

::crosses fingers::


So I am all set to meet up with realtor tomorrow at 11am. Unless it snows and school gets delayed or something then it may be later. So I’ll be grabbing my friend and road trip to Washington County. The house I’m going to see isn’t in Hagerstown.
Which BTW my friend said to tell **FCM, FCD, 2gig and JIm ** that she had a good time and y’all are very nice people. She loved the music as well.

I was feeling a little queasy for a bit. My mother had some bread laying out and she said it was chocolate. That’s all I needed to hear to cut a slice. She forgot the banana part, one bite is all it took and I’m feeling ill.

I kind of like the test dummies for the catapult idea Doggio. The trap door alligator made me giggle Spaz. Meteorite works too. They have both been very quiet and subdued today though. I think that last little blow up did me some good, I’ve been in a better mood. Sometimes you just got to let it all out.

Happy fkying JIm
Glad you are feeling better** Roo**
Feel better Sticky
Happy eats Swampy

Mmm ravioli.

Listening to Sam Roberts.
“The night is never
As dark as it seems
You bring the checkbook
I’ll bring the dreams…”

Printed out the new sheet music. Gotta practice it soon.

Haha - we fooled sari’s friend! :smiley:

Supper was yum - and no leftovers, so huzzah! I need to find more recipes that make 2 servings. Or 4 servings so I can freeze leftovers.

I need to assume the position and get the afghan finished. But what I really need is chocolate. dagnabbit!

Just what exactly do you think Jim is doin’ on that plane? :eek: :stuck_out_tongue:

Well fine, I’ll just talk to myself then. :smiley: Beast is done and cooled down enough to stick in da fridge. Now I shall go lie upon the bed and watch teevee until sleepy time.

Nitey Nite Y’all!

And time for me to assume the knit position. ******

I just watched The Dark Crystal for the first time in years and I found out something. The beginning of The Crystal Method’s “Trip Like I Do” is the introduction to the movie. I’ve been wondering where I heard it first.

That movie freaked me out when I was a SpazKitten. Specifically the scene where the giant bugs swarmed the landstrider that fell down. Traumatized me for days, it did.

Eve… umm… morning (technic’ly) all! :smiley:

Back from the Grim Northern Wastelands, after a busy couple of days- had a moderately productive zoo meeting, and the ring-tailed lemurs had thoughtfully laid on some newborn babbies for us to look at (one baby on thursday, then twins to a different mum on sattiday), which was very considerate of them. T’was nice to see the cousin’s kids again too, though I didn’t get that much time with them.

Pretty tired, 'cos I had to sleep on the floor sattiday night, then couldn’t sleep sunday 'cos my Mum keeps the house so hot, then had a 5 hour train trip back today and went straight out to juggling when I got back.

It looks like I have tomorrow free to vegetate, which sounds very pleasant right now.

Thank you for qualifying that.